1 Day Sale

Awesome! Thank you so much for shopping with us.

Sooo... what'd ya get?

Coral Pro Salt 175 gallon (does it get beat up in shipping?)
Some two little fishes aqua stik (to hold down frags), and two little fishes revive.

I am going to get esv calcium supplement when it gets back in stock.

As always very helpful and great service!
Salt Mix Buckets

Salt Mix Buckets

Coral Pro Salt 175 gallon (does it get beat up in shipping?)
Some two little fishes aqua stik (to hold down frags), and two little fishes revive.

I am going to get esv calcium supplement when it gets back in stock.

As always very helpful and great service!

Good stuff!

Honestly, the salt mix buckets do sometimes take a beating while in transit. However, if it happened all the time, we wouldn't sell them. It just wouldn't make fiscal sense.

If yours arrives damaged and is unusable, snap some photos and email them to us and we'll file a claim with the shipping courier and replace it for you.

You also reminded me I need to pick up some epoxy...