1 gallon tank...

Assuming basic saltwater husbandry... yes, I think that'd be a fine tank. I assume there is some circulation in there? I'd put 4" of fine sand covered by an inch of coarse live sand. Then I'd add a nice chunk of properly sized liverock for your mantis to live in.

Water changes are the key to a tank that small, maybe 1 cup or so a week.


S !
1 gallon tank

1 gallon tank

May i ask where did you find that samll of a tank ?


I was thinking of one for a seahorse tank
Python73- thanx for all the help I really appreciate it.

hackster1- I actually got it from eBay, I payed around 15 shipped. Keep in mind it doesn't include lighting :)
Well my little guy is a N. Oerstedi. Not nearly as colorful as some, but just as fun to watch. I have this huge rock that must be hollow, as he goes in one hole and out another. Try to find a nice holely rock for it.