Thanks for the comments. I understand the rule of thirds, however, the placement of the corals in the foreground, rock structure to the right and the height limitations of the tripod prevented that type of composition.
Before I switched to burst mode, I was trying the focus on the coral edges and waiting for the fish, but not much better luck. I guess this definitely shows some limitations in the P&S cameras as I can't really use a smaller aperature and faster shutter speed, the camera won't get enough light. This photo was already pushed beyond what the camera wanted to do, meaning I was using S priority at 1/60th (I believe) and it suggested that 3.3 was not a big enough aperture. I did play around with a higher ISO, but the resulting pictures were although overall more in focus, quite a bit noisier. I may have to back off the macro mode so I don't use any zoom and see if I can't get a better shot that way. Plus if it's a real good photo, I could crop it 25-30% for the shot I was going for? I think I'll try that tomorrow, the halides are off now.