New member
I've got a 106 gal. 60Lx16wx25.5h with a 3-4" live sandbed, 50 lbs of LR, 30 gal sump w/ 600gph of flow, and a modded Seaclone 150 skimmer ( I know, I can do better on the skimmer, but mine works pretty good). All my levels are good with bi-weekly water changes of 20 gal. I've got a 6" s&s puffer and an 8" panther grouper in the tank right now, who are buds. I want to add some color and more life to the tank and am considering a few different fish. I'd live a harlequin tuskfish, but am afraid I will be overstocking by adding another large fish. I think I would be smarter to do something like a flame angel and a maroon clownfish, to keep the bioload down. What do you guys think? Also, any suggestions on fish would be appreciated.
I've got a 106 gal. 60Lx16wx25.5h with a 3-4" live sandbed, 50 lbs of LR, 30 gal sump w/ 600gph of flow, and a modded Seaclone 150 skimmer ( I know, I can do better on the skimmer, but mine works pretty good). All my levels are good with bi-weekly water changes of 20 gal. I've got a 6" s&s puffer and an 8" panther grouper in the tank right now, who are buds. I want to add some color and more life to the tank and am considering a few different fish. I'd live a harlequin tuskfish, but am afraid I will be overstocking by adding another large fish. I think I would be smarter to do something like a flame angel and a maroon clownfish, to keep the bioload down. What do you guys think? Also, any suggestions on fish would be appreciated.