120 tank, stand, sump, skimmer FS


New member
Here is a link to the 120 that will be available soon.
selling for a friend. Delivery can be arranged.

It is having some trouble at this time with algea, etc, so don't mind the pics. We are starting to cook the rock to get ready for a smaller setup.

Will consider partial trades for a RR 75 or 90 tank only, but need to know before Sunday when I drill the non RR 75.

Comes with tank, stand(homemade), 30 gallon sump, Euro-reef CS8-2 skimmer, all plumbing, and closed loop pump(GEN_X ? 1800gph) No canopy(fits 75 gallon anyway)

Closed loop has 2 holes drilled in each lower back corner(see pic of floor drain for intake) and 4 1" bulkheads for returns.

2 250 watt M80 ballasts bought at Coral Reef about 15 years ago will be available if wanted.

http://s274.photobucket.com/albums/...um Sale Items/120 Closed loop/?albumview=grid

Looking for $800 obo.
how mcuh for the 30 gallon sump, Euro-reef CS8-2 skimmer?
If you'll sell that seperate.
If I can find someone interested in the tank and stand, I can sell the sump and skimmer separate.

At this time, I think he is going to keep the halide setup.

Klix, are you local?