120g SPS -a-Palooza


Looking Good!

Hey not sure if you made it to FFM... i was busy manning my booth and did not have a second to walk around.
Man o man! Stunning shots!! Your corals are in the zone. Nice job!

Thanks matt most are happy there is a few that aren't happy with me at the moment[emoji35]

Looking Good!

Hey not sure if you made it to FFM... i was busy manning my booth and did not have a second to walk around.

Yea made it up there was a blast can't wait todo it next year. Was the same for me I didn't get much time to walk around. I am also planing to be at Fragtoberfest in the fall and possible RAP in June.
Had 350ish acros jammed in there

Do you add something? Or just ca and kh?


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Dosing KNo3 to keep nitrates up
120g SPS -a-Palooza

Not much to update tank just chugging along. Dealing with a bit of cyano in the system now usually seems to pop up every spring and go away in a few weeks not taking any drastic measures to rid it.


Grow out tank that my colonies are in starting to get a bit cramped. Have plans in the making to overhaul the entire system over the summer.

Frag tank getting stuffed waiting for Reefapalooza in June
Your display and grow out are both looking top notch! Care to elaborate on your upcoming plans, or u gonna keep us in suspense for a while??