IMO...some people are way overzealous with their light. Not that that is bad or anything. However, to tell you that you need a 150 on a 29 is wrong IMO, or that you'll need to stick all sps up high with the 150. I agree some supplemental actinics would be good though. I have a 150 DE XM10k on a 30 cube w/ 64w pc that's around 20 inches deep, and all my yellows, red and purples/blues have colored up greatly. I've searched for harder/rarer sps in particular and all are doing fine. Granted it's a newer one of my tanks, but in the last 1-2 weeks the frags have been in my tank, multiple milli/prostrata have shot out branches, and most are all encrusting. Oregon tort looks great, purple monster frag come to me white, now it's getting much better color. Just to name a few. I believe alot of it has to do with water clarity, my water is crystal clear, most is yellowish. Light is not everthing, and to me, 250 on a 30 is overkill, unless it's a long tank and needs more coverage. There are alot more things than just light that lends to sps coloration and growth.