150 hqi

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6831565#post6831565 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by trueblackpercula
Are you going to use actincs as well? If not 150hqi should be good if its going to be for fish and most softy corals and LPS.

as of now im not planning on getting actinics but i probably will in the future. i plan on keeping sps not a big fan of softies and lps.
what are the pros and cons of single ended and double ended. i know double ended runs cooler and it needs a good reflector but that is about it.
Re: 150 hqi

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6830700#post6830700 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by thefuture
will a 150 hqi be enough on a 24'' 20 gallon to keep sps. or what about a 36'' 29 gallon tank.

A 150 DE HQI puts out about the same light as a 250 SE, as long as you stay between 65k-14k your SPS will be just fine.
o ok. thanks. well i have changed my mind about getting a 20 gallon. it is way too small and i dont want it to be a daunting task trying to keep water parameters still.
i am now considering a 36'' or 48'' tank. probably something from a 40 gallon to a 60 gallon. not sure which one i will buy but i will be going down to petco today to look at tanks. do i need to put two hqi metal halide fixtues ona 36'' to have enough light? if so i will probably just get a 48'' tank then so i can do myself justice in spending that money. if its not a must and i can get by then i mtie just stick to a 36'' tank.
I would do a 48" tank as it seems to be better to light (on a 36" tank, if you only have 1 MH, then the ends don't have much light.. thats not true on a 48" tank with 2 MH).

Plus with a 48" tank you can keep smaller Tangs.

Either way you go, you'll probably be upgrading in a year anyway. :)

Edit-- Don't buy a 40g Long (48X13x16). A 55g would be even worse. A 75g would be nice though.
i have a 45 gallon cube.... 25" deep, and i am keeping sps and clams only. i am using a 150 HQI DE bulb, with one 20" pc actinic, and i have seen no porblems.... i even have a bali green slimer about 7 inches from the bottom, and it has the nicest color of all my corals......so far :jester:
IMO...some people are way overzealous with their light. Not that that is bad or anything. However, to tell you that you need a 150 on a 29 is wrong IMO, or that you'll need to stick all sps up high with the 150. I agree some supplemental actinics would be good though. I have a 150 DE XM10k on a 30 cube w/ 64w pc that's around 20 inches deep, and all my yellows, red and purples/blues have colored up greatly. I've searched for harder/rarer sps in particular and all are doing fine. Granted it's a newer one of my tanks, but in the last 1-2 weeks the frags have been in my tank, multiple milli/prostrata have shot out branches, and most are all encrusting. Oregon tort looks great, purple monster frag come to me white, now it's getting much better color. Just to name a few. I believe alot of it has to do with water clarity, my water is crystal clear, most is yellowish. Light is not everthing, and to me, 250 on a 30 is overkill, unless it's a long tank and needs more coverage. There are alot more things than just light that lends to sps coloration and growth.
Well put kalare. My 400 25" deep will be lit mainly by six 150 watt de bulbs. sure I am putting a few 400's and a few 250 de bulbs on there also but the 400's will be on one hour a day and the 250's two hours. I have no doubt the 150's would be enough alone but I have the lights and I would take a bath on them if I sold them so I am going to use them anyhow.

I have gotten amazing color from my 150's in the past. I love them.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6836486#post6836486 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by nemofish2217
btw kalare, what do you do to ensure that your water is crystal clear i.e. not "yellowish?" i could use some insight....

Common ways to do this would be regular usage or GAC, ozone or UV.
i dont mean to sound ignorant, but what is GAC? carbon? and how does carbon compare to running ozone.... i guess i just really dont understand ozone all that well....
the reason i ask, is beacause i would like to maybe avoid ozone for right now beacuse of two main things: space, and budget.... i see that ozonizers can be quite pricey...so, if just running carbon can help, then maybe i can stick with that for now...what do you think?
well i just bought a 24g flatback hex yesterday that i couldnt resist. the dimensions are 24''
X 12'' X 21''. yes its 21 inches tall, i am still kind of skeptical about that but i liek the tank alot. i think i will be doing 1 150 hqi on it. i love the gliter liens with the MH. this should be enough light shouldnt it?