150 XH stream/wavebox suggestions?


New member
I am looking to increase overall flow in my 150 XH 48x24x32. It is a mixed reef including some softies and clams as well as sps and LPS. because of the depth of the tank I have real trouble getting flow all over. I was thinking either a couple streams on a multicontroller or a wavebox. What would you suggest?

currently the flow is provided by several powerheads ranging from MJ to a huge 1000+ gph powerhead behind the rocks, plus returns from mag 18 on either side with sqwd. I would like to pull the powerheads if possible.

Don't you have a heat problem from all that? Anwyay, I would go with 2 6000 Streams, they should get most of the water moving, I think you could eliminate all of your powerheads, If you added the wavebox to that you could probably downsize your return to just a Mag 12 or something smaller, those mag pumps heat the water alot so I would be keen to downsize if possible. This combination should get all the aquarium moving very well and still be quite gentle.
No, never had a heat problem. THe tank is plumbed with a 75 refuge and a 29 sump, so there is quite a bit of water, also the canopy and stand are custom so there is a lot of free air space, plus the halides sit 12". Actually my titanium heater stays on pretty much 24/7 to keep it at 79 degrees.

Thanks for the suggestion, any idea when a fella could expect to see some streams in the US?