1500gph in a 100g rubbermaid stock tank sump?


New member
Can I (should I?) run 1500gph through a 100g Rubbermaid sump without any big issues?

I have a 250g tank (72x28x30) with 2x 1.5 inch drains that I'm going to run as a Herbie (1 siphon, 1 emergency). My return pump is an Iwaki 100 in the basement, which according to charts, will pump 1500-2000gph based on my estimated head resistance of 15-20ft. The return is also 1.5 inches.

According the reefcentral drain/overflow size calculater I would need a 1.85 inch drain and 30 linear inches of overflow to handle 2000gph, so I may need to restrict my pump output a little. Realistically I'll just run a bleed line off off the return to feed reactors, refugium, etc.

Back to my original question though, will 1500gph through a 100g Rubbermaid stock tub be an issue? Will it be as loud as Niagara falls?
If you are using it just a sump it's probably fine but if you plan on using it for a refugium I would definitely tone it down some with some type of T split off to reduce flow.
Just re-read your post, I think it will be fine, if microbubbles become an issue add a filter sock and that should settle that problem.