150W DE MH is suitable for a 18in tall tank?

Euler Kernighan

The "DIY Guy"
Hi Fellows,

What do you guys think about a single 150W double-ended metal halide bulb (probably Phoenix 14,000k) over a 34G nano tank? Tank is 24in long x 19in width x 18in height.

First idea was to use a 250W single-end but I was told that 150W fits better for the height of the tank. Also, regardless the MH power, it will be supplemented by 4 x 24W T5s. Tank will hold one or two clams and breeding some SPS, kind of SPS dominated.

You will be fine. I run 150w phoenix 14ks on my 24" tall tank. Montis will grow on the sand bed no problem. Acro color up with no issue, but I probably don't get the growth rate a 250w will give. I also supplement with LED.
Thank you guys for comment.

14k is the range that i'm looking for. :thumbsup: I might go with 150w as it is just 18" tall tank gross, most likely 16" tall overflow discounted.

BTW, any suggestions for a T5 combo (4 bulbs) to supplement the 14k MH?