It's been far too long since I did an update and my oh my have things been happening. As the previous post says my fish were just weeks away from returning to the tank when stuff started to go wrong. I lost an orangeback wrasse when it jumped and got stuck between the egg crate and netting on top of the QT. Lost a Lineatus wrasse when I was feeding and it got spooked and darted into the glass and knocked itself silly but the worst was still to come. After 75 days in QT I left for MACNA, I almost moved the fish back to the display but decided what would a few more days hurt. I left Thursday and got the call Friday evening that everything in 1 of the tanks was dead or dying. This included all 3 tangs and the flame wrasse. We still have no idea what happened, there was no medication in this tank for over a month and nothing had changed in that time period either. As if that wasn't enough apparently I had AEFW that had previously gone undetected until my return. I cleaned out the QT and set it back up to now care for my acros which were all pulled, dipped in Bayer and then placed in sad tank. More than half were lost during treatment due to alk swings that caused RTN which spread like wildfire. The tank was left with no acros for 10 weeks and I am now AEFW free and I have some corals back in the display.