175 gallons of Bliss

Doesn't interceptor take care if black bugs as well?

I'm pretty sure it does and I was finally able to see a vet and get a prescription. Dosed the tank yesterday so I'm hoping things will get better. Water Params are all spot on so I don't think there is anything else going on so we will see. I can't wait to get my fish back in the tank but I will just have to I suppose. I haven't forgotten about coral pics just had a lot going on.
Little update, I'm not seeing much improvement after the interceptor treatment and I've been going crazy trying to figure out what is going on. The problems started about 3 weeks ago with some of my corals losing some PE and either turning brown(ish) and 2 are just plain white. Most of the corals still look great but I'd say about 20 percent have issues. Since I'm not seeing any signs of AEFW and I've treated the tank with interceptor I couldn't figure out the problem. Parameters have been rock solid and stable since the start with the exception of 1 small thing. I live just outside Phoenix and 3 weeks ago my downstairs AC died. Luckily the upstairs is still working but instead of the usual 77 my downstairs now flirts with 82 in the late afternoon. It's time for some of you to lend some advice, do you think my fluctuating temps are the issue?
Your tank is basically a month old...
Any issues can pretty much be expected, right now..
I'd concentrate on system stability, at the moment.
You have to let things mature for several months..
Also some of the bugs similar to red bugs are much more resistant to interceptor. They seem to dig in the corals slime much better than red bugs.
Your tank is basically a month old...
Any issues can pretty much be expected, right now..
I'd concentrate on system stability, at the moment.
You have to let things mature for several months..

Actually it's been running since February, it's still very young but I test weekly and so far things have been super stable.

Also some of the bugs similar to red bugs are much more resistant to interceptor. They seem to dig in the corals slime much better than red bugs.

Is there anything specific you would suggest I should do? I've inspected a few of the corals since the interceptor and don't see anything like I did before.
If you don't see them anymore I would just keep your eye out. Did they like to hang out in darker areas or on acros near the bottom?
Not really sure, the few corals I pulled and inspected had tiny black dots moving around on the corals. There weren't very many and they were very tiny.
As promised here are a few coral pics. I don't have a fancy camera but I do have a look down box.





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Nice pics!
Good colors, good pe.
What's the last pic? Looks like a pearlberry

Just some unknown Acro I got. It didn't look like this when I got it. It was similar but the coralites were reddish. It's one of the currently unhappy corals. It's lost a bit of color but still looks ok. The one in the first pic is also currently unhappy which sucks because it was stunning a few weeks ago. New AC's getting installed today so if it temperature related things should get better soon.
Just some unknown Acro I got. It didn't look like this when I got it. It was similar but the coralites were reddish. It's one of the currently unhappy corals. It's lost a bit of color but still looks ok. The one in the first pic is also currently unhappy which sucks because it was stunning a few weeks ago. New AC's getting installed today so if it temperature related things should get better soon.

I think that piece in the last picture is going to be a real stunner. I bought a browned out $15.00 acro with dark brown, reddish polyps. Now it looks like yours but with long clear polyps. Is yours in high or low light?

I am also digging that third pic. Good PE and very healthy looking.

Best wishes
A few more pics because we all love pics



Just snagged this gem during the WWC eBay sale. I was unable to get any of the others I wanted so I decided to make sure I got this one. Jason Fox Burning Banana Stylo

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Been a bit since an update so... Things are going pretty good everything seems to be on the mend. Starting to see PE on the few corals that had lost it and the few that bleached are starting to color back up. Added a bunch more frags and I am starting to see good growth again.

I still have another 6 weeks before I can add my fish back to the display and I am counting down the days. Now that I have no fish my nutrients have dropped to zero all around and everything seems a bit washed out. I periodically toss in some food to try and keep the nutrients from being at zero but it doesn't seem to help. I only run the skimmer a few days a week and when I do it doesn't really do anything. On the plus side I only have to scrape the glass every 3 weeks LOL.
Things continue to improve and I'm seeing some really nice growth out of the pieces that have encrusted. I've just about hit my limit on SPS and now it's time to let them grow out. I currently have 72 different SPS but I still have a few spaces reserved for a few special pieces I've got my eyes on but so far I am very pleased with how things have come together. 4 more weeks until I get to add my fish back so I have been adding a few new fish to QT so that they will be ready when the time comes.

So what should the next update be? Fish Pics? Or more coral pics? Gonna save full tank shots for after the fish get back since I have a few patches of unsightly algae although it does seem to be dieing off.
It's been far too long since I did an update and my oh my have things been happening. As the previous post says my fish were just weeks away from returning to the tank when stuff started to go wrong. I lost an orangeback wrasse when it jumped and got stuck between the egg crate and netting on top of the QT. Lost a Lineatus wrasse when I was feeding and it got spooked and darted into the glass and knocked itself silly but the worst was still to come. After 75 days in QT I left for MACNA, I almost moved the fish back to the display but decided what would a few more days hurt. I left Thursday and got the call Friday evening that everything in 1 of the tanks was dead or dying. This included all 3 tangs and the flame wrasse. We still have no idea what happened, there was no medication in this tank for over a month and nothing had changed in that time period either. As if that wasn't enough apparently I had AEFW that had previously gone undetected until my return. I cleaned out the QT and set it back up to now care for my acros which were all pulled, dipped in Bayer and then placed in sad tank. More than half were lost during treatment due to alk swings that caused RTN which spread like wildfire. The tank was left with no acros for 10 weeks and I am now AEFW free and I have some corals back in the display.