Regarding the skimmer, have you tried other methods? Since you can pretty much make anything () it would be interesting to buy a venturi from Life Reef and use that. Then just a matter of deciding on the neck height, width, to fix and customize.
While personally never using a bubble type plate skimmer and being partial to venturi's was just wondering the choice. I like the overall idea and some of the possibilities.
This is new territory for me. My previous skimmer came from my previous system, which was much smaller (about 50 gallons total). And being prepared for the laughter, I will admit that it was an AquaC Urchin.
This design is an amalgamation of several bits and bobs I have found googling around on the net. I would not consider it optimized, but I think there is some potential. Or at least hooks to let it be changed as needed.
As to venturi or not, I assume you are referring to something on the out line from the pump. I did look at this. But it seems that air injection on the inlet is the preference these days. Coupled with a needle wheel that seems to provide the smallest diameter bubble at the highest density. I could be wrong here as good scientific data is lacking on the net regarding this. But that was the impression the hobbyist literature left me with.
The design is flexible though, so swapping to something on the outlet wouldn't be too difficult if testing points me in this direction.
I am quite happy with the current setup for the venturi though (intake side). I am getting what I think is a good bubble density and the size is nice and small.
I tried the new plate today. I don't think it is where I want to be yet either. It cut the large random turbulent events I had been seeing, but has not significantly reduced the swirl. I suspect I will do another iteration in the next few weeks or so (next week is the geosciences meeting, so I suspect I will be too exhausted to make much progress; we shall see though). If I can manage it in the next day or so, I will post the version two plate and a short video of its performance.