Yeah - I'm definitely keeping that in mind. I feel like its part of the natural cycle of life though. I don't think its a big issue to have the snails and hermits fight it out like they do in nature. I value both for their contributions and part of the ecosystem I'm trying to create. If nobody here is going to chime in, I think I'm going to follow my 'eyes' and go for the electric blue. They seem really cool looking
On a separate note, if any one wants to hear a funny story to start the weekend off... read on.
So like the saying says... "**** Happens" and when its related to aquariums, that "****" is usually wet, AND when its a big aquarium, its usually a BIG MESS...
So today I made my first and probably not last totally stupid move (actually is started a few weeks ago but 'exploded' today.
About 3 weeks ago while tightening the hose clamp that sits on the mag drive pump in the sump that feeds the skimmer I overtightened that sucker and it broke (the clamp).
Not having more clamps I put on 2 zip ties on there as tight as I could pull them and they seemed to hold quite well.
Shortly after that (no more than 5 or 6 days) I went to Home Depot and bought 3 hose clamps, which have been sitting in my garage for about 2 weeks.
Today I decided to work from home. Had a nice calm morning, not too busy at work, and when I had some idle time I went and sat in front of the aquarium and sucked in the beauty of the tank under the actinic lighting. So far so good.
SO.... I thought to myself perhaps I could reduce the vibration from the mag drive pumps... and opened the stand and proceeded to lift the pump by the hose and shake it around a little bit (I'm still tying to figure out what the hell I was thinking).
Then all of a sudden... geyser of water coming up from the pump! YIKES - fortunately I was fast to react and flip the switch to the power strip and stop the flow but not before making a nice mess under the stand and some on the floor.
SO.... In the 1/2 panic of the moment I ran to the garage to get the wet vac, and the door slams shut behind me. LOCKED of course. So there I was locked out of the house, but fortunately with my cell phone on me. I dreaded the decision to call my wife and let her know what had happened and tell her why I need her to rush home... but after a painful 15 seconds which seemed like 15 minutes I called her.
SO... I proceed outside the garage and realize that the front door is unlocked, as I went to get the mail earlier. WHYYYYYY I thought to myself! Why did I call her !?!?! I called her back and canceled the rescue call, but got some on the phone for working on the aquarium without towels and stuff, and my explanation of I was just tugging on a hose didn't seem to have any effect - hahah - talk about feeling like and idiot.
Anyway, long story short, I cleaned up everything, replaced the zip ties with the hose clamp, and went out to lunch with my wife and all is good.
The moral:
1. Never trust a zip tie to do what a hose clamp should.
2. Never leave for tomorrow (or 3 weeks) what you can do now.
3. Never lock yourself out of the house
4. Same as #3 but add "when you do something stupid"
5. Love our wives/husbands who love us and support us in our craziness
The good thing is that I found out that in case of a power failure the sump holds the water from the overflows and brief back siphon well.
Have a great weekend! Itay.