Sweet. I didn't really have any followers on the club site I used to be on.
Sorry Nitro, I waited till today to update instead so I could include what I did today. Although the following with be about the main structure, almost half of it has to do with the composition of the cement mixes I used for everything (walls, column etc), all of this will be at the end. By "main structure" I mean the large structure on the right side in the yellow sketch I posted a little while ago.
Overall, when it comes to the shape I wanted it in a range from 1-10 (10 being as imagined) I would say about 7; I had to make some compromises, so that reduced the quality a bit. For the apperance of the walls of this structure, except for the top piece and the final piece which scored about 5, I think they are at about an 8-9 in my opinion for what I wanted. The ones with two different gravels (3mm and 10mm) turned out the best, read on to find out more.
These are the sketches I used to aid in the rock construction while I was making them. The cross hatched parts represent holes.
I saw somewhere online (don't remember the place) where a guy made a large agrocrete structure using chicken wire as a frame supported by miscellaneous things (flower pots, paint buckets etc) and plastic sheeting over the wire to keep it seperate from the concrete. Then all he had to do was pour the concrete mixture over the plastic covered wire frame that he bent into the shape that he wanted the structure to look like and he was done, leaving certain areas blank where he wanted caves. So I gave that technique a try.
Here I shaped the wire how I wanted (well at least pretty much) and then supported it with what I could find, this was a bit more difficult than I thought it would be, trying to find supports at the exact height needed was a pain, and sparse.
After putting on the top layer, I realized that this was not going to work, the chicken wire was just not supported enough at the the edges and corners to support a layer of concrete. It took a little while before I could find something suitable as a substitute. I was going to make the frame out of boards of wood that would then be covered with some plastic, but then I found something I could use that not require any construction.
Rubbermaid Container used to shape the main structure
To make this structure, I had to do it in layers like the one you see in the picture above (BEWARE, LOTS OF TRIAL AND ERROR, DO PLENTY OF TESTING BEFORE HAND, I didn't.....:thumbdown) As you might have seen a little bit from the column project, wet cement works the best as a first layer. So step one, add a wet layer (not so wet that it will flow like water though, more like a sludgy wet mud).
Step two. With a dryer mix (could be the second batch made up after step one is done) sprinkle chunks onto the layer done in step one at an elevated level, I did it at about a foot to a foot and a half above the layer. You can sprinkle like you would a baked good, or let it squish between your fingers, both of these methods will yield different results with different concrete mixes and different amount of water (wet vs dryer mix, so agian, test by trial and error). Then
lightly pat it down to get better contact, if you do it too hard, then the sprinkle step will have been a waste of time. This step is tricky as if it is too wet, it will plop onto layer one and become pancake-like and boring. If it is too dry, the pieces won't adhere to each other and layer one, and so they fall off or are very easly bumped/rubbed off.
In this pic, it is really a mix of step two and three, my hands were covered in cement and so couldn't take a picture after step two was done, but it's okay as step three is easy. The largest mounds you see in the next picture, and you'll see some in later pictures,
is step three. It is done in the same way by sprinkling, but just keep you hand over the same spot until your satisfied. You can create a chunk with your hands for the larger mounds, but it won't have as many crevices as if you did it by the sprinkle method.
Here is another landscape view, this is a different section from that of above, this one involves a different mix (sand) that I have not yet to explained.