180g Stand design


New member
I would like to know what others think about my idea for a stand for my 180g tank.
The idea is to have just 4 corner posts and use two 2x8s on each side to support the tank. The corner posts are made from three 2x8s and the ends are a single 2x8. 2x4s would tie the bottom of the posts together. The would allow me to install/remove a large sump.
All comments are welcome.
I'm working on a stand for a 215. If you have megaflows, doubling up the long (L) rails won't work. The drains are 2.5" off the back. I'm using 2x6's with galvanized framing hangers, but I'm worrying about the corrosion on the hangers. I could paint them but the paint may not adhere to the smooth metal. Nice design if your tank isn' t predrilled. I've looked for load tables and what not but can't find anything informing. I'm sure you saw the post on warranties if you build your own stand - the store by me wanted 300 bucks for a stand - but all the manufacturers
stands are not made for in wall applications.

good Luck!

The tank I have is not predrilled, but I was thinking of drilling it myself. I should be ok for clearance as I've decided to have the tank rest on just the inner beams. I ran the deflection calculations for the beams and am thinking about using a 2 x 6 and a 2 x 8 together. This should provide enough support and create a lip for the tank to sit into. Only thing I'm unsure about is that amount of deflection that the tank itself can withstand.....I'm probably over analyzing this stand, but it is fun to run all the math.
Overbuilding is better than underbuilding. If you are going to do a metal stand, get it powder coated. It costs a little money but well worth it in the end. If going wood, yes, big corner posts and a couple in the middle. I don't think huge 2X8's are needed but you will need something between the corners. Just don't get the treated lumber. they use a type of synthetic treatment of arsnic (sp) and you don't want that in your house. Just treat with a good wood sealer and that will be fine.
Arsenic in treated wood has been discontinued. I think it's copper now. Not that that makes it any better around fish....