In Memoriam
lastnight i made a hr and a half drive to a pet store to get some 50/50 bulbs and have a look around.. wasn't planing to get a fish just yet but i did.. picked up a Coral Beauty.. very very bright in color! it was only 19.99 also.. i got a pepermint shirmp as well.. when i got home the shrimp was totally clear i thought he gave me the wrong shrimp b/c i didn't look at it when he put it in the bag but this morning it was back to normal lol.. when i found him this morning he was stuck on the penguine powerhead.. thought he was dead but he wasn't.. maybe just eating some of the alge that was on it? i acclamited the fish for an hr and put him/her in the tank.. for the first few hrs it just hid im sure b/c of the trip and everything.. i fed it this morning and she was swimming all over the tank in and out of the rock caves and tunnels i made.. tried to get a pic but my batteries died and its really hard to get a pic of a fish! lol .. im gettin a good digital this weekend hopefully.. i did notice the fish pickin at the rocks quite a bit.. is this normal for them? also on the coral's how can u tell if they are male/female? ill try and get a pic up when i get a real camera.. it was by far the best lookin CB they had in the store.. anyways just thought i would share