1st Annual FMAS Poker Run

:spin3::spin3::spin3:Gayle has volunteered to clean and scrub your sump out for the grand prize winner lol....
Since my 150cc doesn't have electrical I might rent one to follow along. Much better than riding on the back of my mom's bike. Lol

No worries, I have 2 weeks, but mine has been guncked up for a few weeks. Lets see if i can get it running in time.
Lol. Don't pick on my little 150. It's capable of 55 - 60. That's all that's needed on surface streets.

But rectifier went bad causing each and every electrical component to Fry including tach and every bulb. Not going to fix it since I'd rather save the money and get a burgman 650
OK, so I have a couple of questions.

1. Do we have to pre-register to participate or do we just show up at the lfs and show our FMAS cards?
2. Is there a cost to participate and if so how and when do we pay?
3. Is there a prescribed route to follow, or can we just pick the order of stores to visit?
4. Where do we go to turn in our cards at the end?

I am planning to attend, sounds like a lot of fun and I will be on my bike.
OK, so I have a couple of questions.

1. Do we have to pre-register to participate or do we just show up at the lfs and show our FMAS cards?
2. Is there a cost to participate and if so how and when do we pay?
3. Is there a prescribed route to follow, or can we just pick the order of stores to visit?
4. Where do we go to turn in our cards at the end?

I am planning to attend, sounds like a lot of fun and I will be on my bike.

1. Nope, no need to pre-register. Just show up at the LFS and show your FMAS card.
2. No cost to participate! This is just one of the perks you get for being a member of FMAS.
3. Pick whichever stores you want to visit, and whatever order - it doesn't matter to us... with one exception (see #4)
4. You will have to turn in your cards at the end to a board member who will be at one of the 7 stores (a predetermined store, not just a random store). Which store is going to be determined tomorrow at the BOD meeting, so I will let everyone know tomorrow. Everyone will haveee to visit this one store, or you can't win. No exceptions.
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I joined the club this week. Where can I receive my card? I'm planning on attending Saturday.
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The wife wants to play, which is surprising since she does not often want to go with me to the fish store. Can she play too?
Sorry to hear that, Johannes, but there will be another!

cat1prod, Welcome! We are glad you will be joining us! I don't know that we will have brand new membership cards there, but we will have the membership list, so you should be good!

ninjamiami, do you have a family membership? If so, you and your wife can both play!
Lets hope the weather is better than today. Folks with Bike's, Bobby, Alan, Eric (scooter), lets bring them out for a nice Spring ride!!!!:beachbum:

Poker dummies like me can print Gayles Poker hints on the other thread.

Sounds like a day full of fun. :dance:
The poker hands graphic is also up on the FMAS website.... or if you get really lost, you could google "best poker hands"