20 Gallon long build now


well since i ended up doing a home office, i always wanted a small tank at my office office but always held off because of lugging in water in front of people and so on and so on.

my plans will be to eventually throw in my brains from the bigger tank add some mushrooms or anything really. dont care at this point.

i think im going with the coralife aqualight HO 2xT5's, the 30 inch version i need comes with longer 31w bulbs instead of the more common 24w ones so i should be able to keep whatever i need i think. and its not to expensive.

this build will hopefully be on the cheap end !!!!

thinking of getting some sort of skimmer. since it might end up being alot of coral and a couple fish.
tape it off, i decided to do the corners as well, always liked the look of that and never did it before.




Sweet build, We always find an excuse to start a new tank. I have a 5gal in my daughters room that I use as a QT/ frag tank.
Another tank! It is proof that in this hobby, just like an M&M, you can't have one! Ha ha! : ) My wife wants me to start a seahorse tank. I have everything for it, just don't have the time right now. Especially since we are going to be moving around May/June of next year. Good job!
K ordered a 30 inch coralife T5 fixture. 2x31w bulbs. should be more than enough for random corals i think. marineandreef.com had a good price on it. $114 shipped. oh and a koralia nano 425gph for a bit of flow.
thanks hopefully will have it next week for sure. gonna add a bit of rock soon, and think about a skimmer sometime also. thinking octopus bh100 or whatever there smaller hob is. no steffen im not drilling and doing a sump on this. haha
I guess me adding some dead things to kick start the cycle did the trick. haha

here will be the first additions. Kenya trees, xenia, and a few green zoas from JMAIT, they will be in my 90 for now untill the 20 is ready, so i made sure they werent going anywhere.
I see everything went well with the mounting of the coral. the bottom pic looks like something somebody would come across in a Biology class.
woohoo, after a looking for my light yesterday, my parents good neighbor picked it up so it wasnt left out. got it up and running, looks better than expected. its the coralife aqualight HO t5. bulbs are 31W each. you can even fit 2 of these over the tank for a cool 4xt5 30 inch which should work for sps. HMMMMM??? haha

for now i need to let it cycle so i can add the xenia-tyrees-zoas donated from jays tank.

pretty cool setup for my home office desk.
got kinda bored, still havent decided if i will add these things to my 90 gallon, but i got ricordia blue, green and orange, one purple mushroom, and the hairy green. if they are succesfully fragged then i might add them to the 90. hmmmm

and here is a picture right before the lights go on, ill take one with things opened up. should have done that before some things got the knife i guess.