20% off Milwaukee Seawater Digital Refractometer!!!

20% Off Milwaukee Seawater Digital Refractometer with Protective Hardshell Case
The new Milwaukee MA887 Seawater Digital Refractometer encompasses 3 different types of user selected scales for the measurement of seawater providing for a much more precise evaluation. Each scale is temperature compensated.
  • PSU-Practical Salinity Units
  • PPT-Parts Per Thousand
  • S.G.-Specific Gravity
Was $146.99! Now Only $117.59!!!!!!


Too bad I already have one. :) It rocks though and I'll never go back to a traditional refractometer. It's worth every penny, especially at that price.
20% off Milwaukee Seawater Digital Refractometer

20% off Milwaukee Seawater Digital Refractometer

Too bad I already have one. :) It rocks though and I'll never go back to a traditional refractometer. It's worth every penny, especially at that price.

We love it, too, ramseynb. It's very easy to use! :dance: