200 gallon project.

Best aquascaping iv'e seen, wish i had the possibility to do something like that with my stones.

Very nice tank pikey!
Are you going to throw an anemone in there for those Black Clowns Of yours. I think a nice red BTA would realy make th fish stand out.
Hey Pikey

Tell me about you closed loop intakes. Do you ever have trouble with fish getting stuck to them, or sucking snails out of their shells?

Newby-Reefer - there is already a RBTA in the tank, but the clowns will not go in it. The clowns and anemone have been in the same tank for over a year, and the clowns stay away from it.

nkaminer - I just use the standard strainers that come with bulkhead fittings. I have yet to have a fish get stuck to them, but you have to remember that I don't have a super high flow closed loop pump. I am only running a 2400 GPH pump with 2 inlets and 5 outlets.

lovetoreef - I have been so busy working on my clown tank that I haven't had time to take any new pics. I will try to this afternoon right after I do a water change on the system.
pikey, Id love to hear more about the clown system if you get a chance. Pics are always nice too :D if you have time. Have you got the tank from the mfg yet? Did the same guy build the cube as your 200?
ReefWaters - The clown tank is ordered and should be here Tuesday. I am getting it from the same manufacturer as the 200 (Ocean View).
It is 24"X24"X18". It is coming in with no holes drilled, but I will be drilling a 1.5" drain in the bottom - back right corner of the tank. I have already made a black acrylic overflow box for it. I will also be drilling four 1/2" holes for returns (which will be a Mag 9 connected to a Oceans Motions Squirt).
I have been busy this weekend building the stand for this tank. I pretty much looks just like the stand for the 200 gallon, but smaller.
I have built a 20"X18"X12" sump, and water tested it, but haven't added any baffles yet.
I will be building a recirculating protein skimmer soon, and a Kalk reactor also.
I plan to get a pair of Onyx True Percula clown and appropriate anemone. I will have the live rock stacked in the corner near the overflow box, and have mangroves planted in the live rock. I hope that the mangroves will grow out of the top of the tank for a really interesting look, and the roots will look interesting under the water.
I do not have any pictures of anything yet, but will take some soon, and post them in my thread in the clownfish forum.
Clownfish tank thread
Still not much to update...I have been so busy with my clown tank that I have just been letting the 200 gallon tank kind of get settled in. The SPS are encrusting nicely on their new rocks. The clams are showing signs of growth, but sadly I lost the big green hammer. I did not epoxy it in because it seemed to be very solidly wedged into the rock. Well it wasn't...I came home from work one day to find that it fell off the rock and into a patch of orange ricordia. Needless to say, neither coral faired well...the hammer died, and the ricordia are still recovering.
I got these new frags today from a friend.

I got these new frags today from a friend.

I took these pictures about 5 minutes after epoxying them in.

Green birds nest. (Seriatopora hystrix?)

Pink birds nest.

Green millepora. (extremely long polyps on this one)

Purple/blue efflorescens?
Hey Pikey, where did those frags come from?

The green birds nest looks really nice. It doesnt look like it is going to be as tightly woven as most pink birds nests you see. Do you think that will be the case? Did you see the mother colony for that frag?
The frags came from a friend of mine. First they were mine...then I fragged them and gave them to him...then I got tired of the corals and sold them...now I want them back again. It is really a good idea to share frags among your friends...in case they die, or you sell them and then decide you want them back.
The green birds nest came from ORA, the millepora from ORA, the pink birds nest came from ReefStuff.com, and the Efflo came from someone here on RC that I did a frag trade with. (I can't remember his name though)

The green birds nest mother colony is not dense in branches either...kind of loose, long branches. The polyps extend almost a 1/4" even though the branches are only 1/16" to 1/8" thick.
New fish.

New fish.

I had to get rid of my Regal Angel as it developed a taste for leathers, and brains. I took it to my LFS and traded for a couple of Sunburst Anthias and a female pink square anthias (a.k.a. Yellow Anthias). I got a couple of pics of the Sunburst, and some updated coral pics, but no pic of the female pink square yet. Hopefully I will have some of her soon.




Red/green favia.

Red table acro from ReefStuff...it is shaped weird because I had to break it to get it out of the tank when I switched over to the 200 gallon.

Long polyp green leather that the Regal Angel was eating.
Looking good. Sorry to hear about the angel. At least it seems you got rid of him in time to save everything.

Where did you get the red table? Thats going to turn into a beautiful piece.