2005 Hydra Sport 33 Stolennnnn!!

This morning i woke up to find my Hydra Sport 3300 w/ triple outboard engines stolen, i had it for 4 days, if anyone has seen this boat on a trailer today, it is midnight blue.... please guys if you have seen ANYTHING today, that looks like this boat please let me know. Thank you,
Sorry i forgot to mention in was stolen around 3AM around NW 8 St. and 132 Ct. , Any info would be greatly appreciated, this boat could be anywhere, in your next door neighbors backyard, it should be scratched on the paint, due to retards behind a wheel. They hit a bunch of things on the way out.
I used to work near the Miami airport. In the morning we'd find boats where everything was stripped off the hull. Then they'd tie the stern to a tree and pull the trailer out from under it, just leaving the empty hull laying on the ground. It happens all the time unfortunately. Don't hold your breath about getting it back, if you do you might not want it. Sorry, man.
Wow, sorry about your loss... I've been a boat owner all my life, and closest I've come is when someone stripped all my gear out of the locked lockers, and actually took my spare. The nuts were rusted on so bad, they must've made a heck of a racket coming off, and not one person did anything about it. I'll definitely keep an eye out... anything else that would set it apart? Oh, and one other thing, it really was a 33? on a trailer? That's a huge boat for a trailer!!!
yeah what pedro said is right, there was a 25 contender stripped and tied to a telephone pole right by my house and i live way out in the redlands.

if they do strip it out, they insurance is the only thing youll want back, hope everything works out, thats a damn fine boat
thanks guys to the ones that took a look at my thread. it is difficult to be in my position, I had it for only 4 days, THATS IT. I posted already on the forum for Florida Sportsman, anyways if you guys see anything let me know.
UPDATE UPDATE: 2 Neighbors had security cameras, but only one of them had the cameras actually functioning, the theft started at 2:06:24, I have the video in hand, and are handing them to the authority's in the morning, it was a f-350 followed by what another car, it was a white male driving the pick up truck, hopefully this RETARD will be behing BARS for a long time after i kick the living **** out of him, anyways please keep a look out to all my fellow reefers and boaters out here. We have to watch our backs, this is a community of good guys, these poor asshol*** are trying to take away what us hard working people work for.
sweet boat... it sucks that you did not even put it in the water.. i will keep my eye out.. I commute from the falls to south beach.. so i will check that area....

good luck...
What color was the F350 and any particular details on the truck?
Truck was a light color, White would be my best guess, it was video taking during night time, but police have advanced software, i'm sure they will be able to tell. Any suspicious activity feel free to call me anytime of day 786 553 0601. Thank you, TO ALL for your conituing effort. All the eyes and ears that help is great, thank you
Truck was a light color, White would be my best guess, it was video taking during night time, but police have advanced software, i'm sure they will be able to tell. Any suspicious activity feel free to call me anytime of day 786 553 0601. Thank you, TO ALL for your conituing effort. All the eyes and ears that help is great, thank you
that boats SICK! my friend's dad used to have donzi about that size. I loved going out on it every weekend. but then he sold it and my friend got a b/f. havent heard from her in 2 years. LOL. im trying to talk my parents into either a boat or waverunners. dunno. thankfully...if we get em. they'll be stored in our garage. good luck on the boat.
get a boat...more $$$ but definitely many more things to do, just find a friend with waverunners lol. i had several friends in the keys that had waverunners and we ran them to the ground then go bored of them, then we stared taking out our boats and havent looked back
Hey reef Daniel good luck on the hunt. I had 25 foot maxim. Ill keep my two oranges peeled for your beauty. I have a chevy silverado. If i see it, ill bring it back for you. :-)