2005 Hydra Sport 33 Stolennnnn!!

Hey Daniel,

I have the same boat, but with doubles. They are sweet boats.

I will keep my eyes peeled also. I am in Davie, but travel around some.
I hope they catch those guys and throw them behind bars asap... I hope you get that boat back soon thats one hell of a boat man... Good luck
Thanks to all that have kindly responded, we have been continously working on this matter. I will keep you guys updated, I will put these guys behind bars. Nothing in life is impossible, just put your mind into it and you'll get there......
I hope you find those guys and cut their hands and tie them to back of you props and take them around for a spin :(

Seriously sorry about your loss man.

PM me the trailer's serial number and I'll pass it down to my brother in law. He works in a trailer shop that builds custom trailer for high performance boats and something might show up.

Good luck with the whole thing and for sure keep your eyes peeled.

A few years back I got my two brand new Sea Doo XP stolen double trailer included and one of the neighbors was able to write down the tag from the Uhaul truck that took them. I notified the cops, but they never found (looked) for anything. A year later I saw the Uhaul truck parked at an Ockechobee rental place and notified the cops. They did an investigation and eventually caught the guys :D

I really don't know if they did any serious jail time...I really doubt it. They were forced to pay restitution fees, of which I have never seen a penny of it, but that's a whole other story.

I will keep my eyes peeled down here since I frequent Black point marina quite frequently and you really don't see too many boats around anymore since the Arabs really own us now with their gas prices.

Here's a tip:

make a flyer with all the info and give a substantial amount of reward to whoever leads you to find the boat and fax it to every marina, trailer and boat shop within the area and let's see what happens.

Good Luck!

thats a nice boat.. man that sucks- I know your insurance will pay for it, but it's just the whole point.
It's been happening alot over here. They will either strip & ship, or use the boat for illegal smuggling (either humans or drugs).
I would put up a reward on all of these boat sites for like $1,000 and that would really help people keep an eye out.

When I got my Mitsubishi evolution was stolen I called a bunch of friends in Miami and told them if they could figure out who stole it I have $500 cash for them. Needless to say I found out who stole my car in about 3 hours...

Most likely no insurance on the boat since he only had it for 4 days. You should call some authorities in the keys as well. Also who did you buy the boat from? Dj Laz on power96 had his boat stolen not to long ago and he tracked it through his GPS and he ended up flying down to mexico to get the boat back him self cause the authorities really didnt help much.
Sorry, but I have to say this. A boat that attractive in Miami is a sure fire scumbag magnet. The best way to keep it is either high on a rack at a marina or on a secured boat lift on your property. If you must keep it on a trailer, put it in a warehouse or garage. If you must keep it on your property, make sure you have a hitch lock on your trailer and chain the entire trailer to some immobile object such as a telephone pole, large tree, your house, or a heavy duty eye embedded in concrete in your driveway. Install some motion sensor security lights and/or cameras. Put an alarm on it somehow so that it's moved the alarm is tripped. Get a big dog that'll bark when anyone comes near the house. Then get a sleeping bag and sleep in the boat with a gun in your lap. :D
OK, maybe the last part is a bit extreme, but the rest isn't. Seriously.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12144344#post12144344 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Ding2daDong
I would put up a reward on all of these boat sites for like $1,000 and that would really help people keep an eye out.

When I got my Mitsubishi evolution was stolen I called a bunch of friends in Miami and told them if they could figure out who stole it I have $500 cash for them. Needless to say I found out who stole my car in about 3 hours...

hey mat wat happend to the guy that stole it also what happened to the evo ? did u find it ? u know i swear by the evo and nothing else wat do you think about the 10 ? sry for hijacking the thread
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12144344#post12144344 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Ding2daDong
I would put up a reward on all of these boat sites for like $1,000 and that would really help people keep an eye out.

When I got my Mitsubishi evolution was stolen I called a bunch of friends in Miami and told them if they could figure out who stole it I have $500 cash for them. Needless to say I found out who stole my car in about 3 hours...

hey mat wat happend to the guy that stole it also what happened to the evo ? did u find it ? u know i swear by the evo and nothing else wat do you think about the 10 ? sry for hijacking the thread
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12154634#post12154634 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by adrian52492
hey mat wat happend to the guy that stole it also what happened to the evo ? did u find it ? u know i swear by the evo and nothing else wat do you think about the 10 ? sry for hijacking the thread

Nothing happened to the guy who stole it. I told the police and they filed it and I bet the information is collecting dust somewhere...

It seems so obvious to because I played poker in Miami with him and his cousin who is just as shady lives down the stree from me.

I should have known something was up when he drives around in a red lotus elise with h&r wheels with not job and he's 25 years old.

It ended up good on my side though. Insurance on the evolution was getting so high because last year they were one of the hardest cars to insure. The gas mileage was horrible and at every stop light people would be reving their engines trying to race. I enede up getting almost all of my money back and bought a car that was $10000 less so basically had more money to throw into this hobby. :)

Someone in another country is probably enjoying the evolution.


now back on topic
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12154878#post12154878 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by adrian52492
so how did u know he stole it ?then back on topic

From very reliable sources. ;)

I don't want to get into specifics but basically some girl that knew some information that she didn't know was a "secret" spilled the beans. There is alot more but honestly lets get back on topic.

Boat Recovered, It was found yesterday on SW 13 St. and 70 ave....... It was stripped, I will take some pictures so you guys could see how our boat ended up. Insurance adjuster is going this week to decide if boat is being fixed or they will pay the value of it for a new purchase. Thank sguys for keeping an eye out anyways.