
Well here we are again for a new season! Our format will be a bit different than usual with less meetings but throwing in some socials and trips! As of now this will be our schedule. I will update it as we secure speakers!
Our 2010 - 2011 Meeting Schedule is as follows:
A social at Aquarium One on September 11, 12-2PM
Sunday October 17th 6pm
Shaun Stinnett from Aquamedic
Old Mill School Click here for directions!
Another field trip in November! Location - TBA
Sunday December 12th 6pm
Speaker AND Holiday party!
Speaker - TBA
Old Mill School Click here for directions!
Saturday February 19th 11am
Our Annual Frag Fest! - Location TBA
Possible reef inspired community outreach/service in March! - TBA
Saturday April 16th
Our Annual Spring Event!
One Speaker with food AND a workshop!
Old Mill School Click here for directions!