2013 INDMAS Frag Swap -- Sat. April 27th -- Indianapolis, IN



First off want to say a special thanks to our Platinum Sponsor for the Event, Premium Aquatics!


Planning is well underway and this should be another great event. We always have lots of great vendors, raffles prizes, and plenty of fun. Admission is free for all INDMAS members and $5 for all non-members. Non-reefing spouse/children etc. will not be charged admission.

If you are planning to go, please go to Fragswapper and register for the event.

There are 20 spots available for hobbyist that would like to set up a tank at the frag swap. Each spot is 1/2 of a 6-foot table and the cost is $10 for members, $15 for non-members (includes admission). You can reserve your table by paying for it on Paypal. Pay treasurer@indmas.org. It's first come, first serve. Please include your screenname when you make your payment.

If you plan to set up a tank, you will need to bring your own extension cord and powerstrip. Please limit your electrical usage to one heater, powerhead and light.

Vendors interested in attending the event or sponsors wishing to donate items please contact our Club Treasurer Lisa at treasurer@indmas.org for more detailed information. We are limited on spots and have just a few left.

Visit us @ www.indmas.org and hope to see you there!!! As we secure all the sponsors/vendors I'll be actively posting on the following link.
Vendors are full and the following Vendors will be present at the swap!

  • Premium Aquatics
  • Beef's Reef
  • Booyah's Reef
  • Buckeye Field Supply
  • Captive Reefs
  • Coral Compulsion
  • Dirks Reef
  • Eyecandy Coral
  • Frag Junky
  • Kick Azz Corals
  • Orphek
  • Paradise Corals
  • Polyp World
  • Reef Deep
  • ReefLEDLights.com
  • Rod's Food
  • Zoanthids.com

A week or two before the swap I'll post a complete list of prizes but you can check out the list of prizes at the following link: INDMAS Frag Swap Info

We will have a total of over $10k in retail prizes so don't miss your chance at taking home a really nice prize!
6 days until the swap!!!

Below is the list of prizes and after all the vendor raffle prizes are added in we clear the $10k mark in prizes for the 10th annual swap. You don't want to miss this and hope to see you there!

First 400 to the door will receive Gift Bags from Live Aquaria/Dr. Foster and Smith!

Grand Prize: Nuvo 30 Rimless Aquarium, Stand, Built-In Filtration, Glass Top, and Kessil 350W LED Light w/ Gooseneck!
1 X P47 LED Light Fixture from ReefLED Light
1 X PR72 LED Light Fixture from Orphek
1 X Octopus Diablo 8" Skimmer with DC Pump from INDMAS
1 X EcoTech Vortech MP40w ES from INDMAS
1 X SpeedWave DC-500 Water Pump from INDMAS
1 X Apex Jr, Display, and Temp Probe from INDMAS
1 X Reef Brite 48 in Blue LED Strip light from INDMAS
1 X Reef Brite 36 in Blue LED Strip light from INDMAS
1 X $100 Premium Aquatics Gift Certificate from INDMAS
1 X Sybon Refractometer from INDMAS
1 X Red Sea Reef Foundation Pro Test kit from INDMAS
1 X Reef Crystal 160 Gallon Salt Mix from INDMAS
1 X Topic Marine Bio-Activ 200 gallon Salt Bucket from INDMAS
1 X Top-it-Off Premium DIY Kit from INDMAS
18 X Back Issues of Coral Magazine
10 X Frozen Food Packs (Fish/Herbivore/Reef Frenzy) from LRS
3 X 1 Year Subscriptions to Coral Magazine
5 X Rod's Multipacks from Rod's Food
5 X Frag Platforms with plugs from Alternative Reef
2 X 10 Frag Stations with plugs from Alternative Reef
1 X 4 Frag Station with plugs from Alternative Reef
1 X 6 Frag Cave with plugs from Alternative Reef
18 X Bumper Stickers from Alternative Reef (Reefers Love to Propagate!)
4 X $25 Gift Certificates to Air Water & Ice
Foods and Calendars from Omega
4 X $25 Gift Certificates to SaltCritters.com
1 X $100 Gift Certificate to Rocky Mountain Frags
1 X PAR30 LED Light from Coral Compulsion
1 X 9 Watt LED Fixture from Aquatic Life
1 X Soft Coral Propagation Starter Kit from Boston Aqua Farms
1 X 700 GPH Overflow Kit from Glass-Holes
2 X T-Shirts from Glass-Holes
1 X Pair of Clowns from Booyah's Reef
1 X Evolve8 Nano Kit from Aqueon
1 X Pro50 Heater from Aqueon
1 X 500 GPH Circulation Pump from Aqueon
1 X Quiet Flow 4500 from Aqueon
37 X Dry Marine Foods from Aqueon
1 X 65G Super Skimmer from Coralife
3 X Nano Reef PartA/B Kits from Kent Marine
6 X Purple Tech Additives from Kent Marine
3 X Reef Starter Kits from Kent Marine
1 X Pro-Scaper II Kit from Kent Marine
12 X Zoe Marine from Kent Marine
12 X Essential Elements from Kent Marine
1 X Chalice Frag Pack from Beef's Reef
1 X Ultra Ricordia Frag Pack from Paradise Corals
Books from Dirk's
1 X Frag Pack from EyeCandy Coral
1 X RO/DI from Buckeye Field Supply
1 X ReeFlo BlowHole Pump from ReeFlo
2 X Majano Wands from MajanoWand
1 X 3/4" Sea Swirl from Sea Swirl
1 X Two Part Total Package from Bulk Reef Supply
4 X Three Part Bio-Calcium Kits from Tropic Marin
4 X $25 Gift Certificates to Jason Fox Corals
1 X Rapids Pro RP 90 Filter and UV Sterilizer from Tom Aquatics
3 X Nano Bacteria Kits from Prodibio
1 X Frag Pack from KickAzz Corals
1 X Zoanthid Frag Pack from Frag Junky
1 X Marine Breeder's Workshop Ticket from MBI
4 X $25 Gift Certificates from Avast Marine
1 X 100 Watt Neo-Therm Heater from Cobalt Aquatics
2 X 6 " Maker's LEDs Kits w/ $50 Gift Certificate from clay-boa
1 X Frag Plug Tree and Frag Plugs from Thrive Aquatics