***Did not see local club forum for CIMA so hope this is the hangout, please forward me if I'm missing the hot spot!
Frag Swap Layout (Vendors - V#, Hobbyist - H#)
Planning is well underway and this should be another great event. We always have a lot of great vendors, raffle prizes, and plenty of fun. Admission is free for all INDMAS members and $5 for all non-members. Non-reefing spouse/children will not be charged for admission.
There are 18 spots available for hobbyist that would like to set up a tank. Each spot is 1/2 of a 6-foot table and the cost is $10 for members, $15 for non-members (includes admission). You can reserve your table by paying for it on PayPal to treasurer@indmas.org. It's first come first serve, please include screenname when you make your payment.
If you plan to set up a tank, you will need to bring your own extension cord and power strip, Please limit your electrical usage to one heater, powerhead, and light.
Vendors interested in attending the event or sponsors wishing to donate items please contact our Club Treasurer Amanda at treasurer@indmas.org for more detailed information. Please include top spots your interested in and first to secure with reservation payment will get first pick at one of the 20 spots. Spots will include a 6 foot table in the front as well as the back and will be an 8'X10' area with two seats.
Register on Fragswapper.com and check here for the latest and growing donation list from our great sponsors!!!
Gold Sponsors (Click banner to check out):

Grand Prize! (Thank you Synergy Reef and Orphek LED Lighting) - Retail value of $2,000+
Raffle Prizes (Attending Vendors):

Frag Swap Layout (Vendors - V#, Hobbyist - H#)

Planning is well underway and this should be another great event. We always have a lot of great vendors, raffle prizes, and plenty of fun. Admission is free for all INDMAS members and $5 for all non-members. Non-reefing spouse/children will not be charged for admission.
There are 18 spots available for hobbyist that would like to set up a tank. Each spot is 1/2 of a 6-foot table and the cost is $10 for members, $15 for non-members (includes admission). You can reserve your table by paying for it on PayPal to treasurer@indmas.org. It's first come first serve, please include screenname when you make your payment.
If you plan to set up a tank, you will need to bring your own extension cord and power strip, Please limit your electrical usage to one heater, powerhead, and light.
Vendors interested in attending the event or sponsors wishing to donate items please contact our Club Treasurer Amanda at treasurer@indmas.org for more detailed information. Please include top spots your interested in and first to secure with reservation payment will get first pick at one of the 20 spots. Spots will include a 6 foot table in the front as well as the back and will be an 8'X10' area with two seats.
Register on Fragswapper.com and check here for the latest and growing donation list from our great sponsors!!!
Gold Sponsors (Click banner to check out):

Grand Prize! (Thank you Synergy Reef and Orphek LED Lighting) - Retail value of $2,000+
- Synergy Reef Systems Frag Tank, Stand, and Frag Racks
- Orphek Atlantik Compact LED Fixture w/ WiFi
Raffle Prizes (Attending Vendors):
- 5 X Rod's Reef Multi-Packs from Rod's Food
- 5 X 50 Gift Certificates from MT Reefs
- 1 X 6 Piece Premium SPS Pack from Motorcity Corals
- 1 X $100 Gift Certificate from Insane Coral
- 1 X Frag Pack from Frag Creations
- 1 X $100 Gift Certificate from TNT Corals
- 2 X $50 Frag Packs from TRM Aquatics
- 4 X $25 Gift Certificates from LaBo's Aquatics
- 1 X Multi Size Sea Swirl from Sea Swirl
- 3 X 3 Day Passes to MACNA Washington DC from WAMAS
- 1 X Coralife ACL53601 150-Watt Aqualight from Central Aquatics
- 1 X Aqueon Evolve 8 Gallong Desk Top Aquarium kit from Central Aquatics
- 2 X Marine Breeder's Workshop Passes from MBI
- 1 X SMR-1000 Media Reactor from Synergy Reef
- 1 X 2 Part Calcium & Alkalinity Total Package with Dosers from Bulk Reef Supply
- 1 X Majano Wand from Majano Wand
- 2 X Coralife CP750 Powerheads from Central Aquatics
- 2 X Coralife CP1300 Powerheads from Central Aquatics
- 2 X Coralife CP 2900 Powerheads from Central Aquatics
- 6 X Kent Marine PH Buffer from Central Aquatics
- 2 X Kent Marine Chromaplex from Central Aquatics
- 1 X Typhoon III RO/DI Unit from Air, Water, and Ice
- 3 X Large Mysis Flakes from Cobalt Aquatics
- 3 X Large Marine Vegi Flakes from Cobalt Aquatics
- 1 X Aqua UV 8 Watt Sterilizer from Aqua Ultraviolet
- 1 X 40 Lb Box of LifeRock from CaribSea
- 2 X Gallon Bags of Rock Rubble Zone from CaribSea
- 2 X Nano Reef Bio Kits from Prodibio
- 1 X ReeFlo Swordtail High Pressure Pump from ReeFlo Pumps