2015 Meeting Raffles- Win just by joining and attending meetings!!

Mrs Postal

New member
In 2015 we are starting some new fun things! At each meeting, we will have a $100 gift card(from our sponsors) to raffle off. To be entered in the raffle, you must be in attendance at the meeting. Each member who attends gets on entry into the raffle just for showing up. :bounce3:

If you would like to have a better chance at winning the gift card, then you may purchase raffle tickets at 2 for $5 or 5 for $10. You must be present to be entered into the raffle & to buy additional tickets and you must be a current paid member at the time of the drawing.

Any questions, ask away and we hope to see you in 2015!:fish1::bounce3::
hi everyone my name is Frank I've been in the hobby for about 9 years both fresh and saltwater.I've been a member of the website for about 3 years now and I was curious and I was trying to see how I can become a member of TBRC, or if I even qualify for it thank you.
Of course you qualify! You can attend one of our monthly meetings to join or you can join via Paypal. Single memberships are $25.00 per calendar year and family memberships are $30.00. Our Paypal address is BOD@tampbayreefclub.org. If you come to a meeting after joining we will have a $10 gift certificate for you to one of our sponsors. Tonight's meeting is in Riverview at 6pm so come if you can(just send me your name via PM so I can get your name on the guest list- tough HOA at this place!). Also, while we have a forum here on RC, we also have a pretty active FB page. Most of the official posts are copied between here and there but we do post a lot of educational stuff and also our sponsor's inventory lists, sales, events, etc. Please let me know if you have any questions and thank you!
Hi Mrs postal. I'm so glad I can join. Unfortunately we were celebrating my 9yr old daughters birthday on the day of meeting and couldn't make it. Bit I will try making the next one. Looking forward to getting to know people that share the same live that I have for aquarium life. I will also look for the page on Facebook. Hopefully we will meet soon:)
Hi Mrs postal. I'm so glad I can join. Unfortunately we were celebrating my 9yr old daughters birthday on the day of meeting and couldn't make it. Bit I will try making the next one. Looking forward to getting to know people that share the same live that I have for aquarium life. I will also look for the page on Facebook. Hopefully we will meet soon:)

Thanks so much! Stay tuned for June info.