Hi Mishap,
Thanks for the offer! I may need some help, especially if I ever have a "crashing" event or anything serious, so I will definitely keep you (and Ender) in mind. We are located right on main street in New Hope. The name of the restaurant is the Logan Inn. Beautiful place. I live and work in the building. It'll be nice to have a tank for my own mental health
Hey mcrist,
Thanks for jumping in!
Overflow Flow:
I just started really thinking about the overflow situation recently because we've been having some issues with our chimney flow (been getting some backflow and smoke puffs). I think there are some similar principles involved. Makes sense that the tank manufacturer would check to make sure all the dimensions are OK.
Tank Flow:
Gary has convinced me to change the return lines to the end opposite the overflow (thank you Gary!). I will work towards concealing them, probably behind some wooden trim on the canopy.
Closed Loop:
I plan to locate the closed loop underneath the tank. This will be the only substantial piece of equipment located upstairs (the rest will be located in the basement). I plan to "T" off from the pump outlet in to 4 return lines. I plan to upgrade to a om4-way down the road. I'll admit, I am scared to drill the CL returns directly in to the bottom like you mcrist
I was thinking to run them over the top on the overflow side using black PVC. Then down the side of the tank and then down the center (white PVC) along the bottom. I will then cover them with sand and rock-work. I was also thinking to put an adhesive on the pipes and glue sand to them, so that in the event that sand shifts, they will still be covered in sand and not just bare white PVC.
External Overflow:
I am familiar with two external overflow styles. (1) external overflow on an standard tank (glass or acrylic) that uses a siphon to drain water. I don't particularly care for these. (2) an acrylic overflow box attached to the side of an acrylic tank. The tank side is actually "teeth" of the overflow.
I would imagine you could also connect an external overflow using a sealant and a bulkhead, although I don't recall seeing that exactly (and search is not working in RC atm...). Problem is no surface skimming and I don't think Gary would approve ;-)
Acrylic Tank:
I do like the flexibility of using acrylic. My two concerns are scratches and price without having a huge benefit. If I was totally sold on the idea however, I would suck up the extra $1000 or so and just do it.