210 Gallon in-wall Budget Reef (SPS less then 1 month)------> Tony Nguyen


New member
Hey, guys I just wanted to start this thread to document my tank progress as it grows. I have many phone pictures and video documenting this, but just not a thread with all the pics and dates. I want to be able to recall and see if corals are growing at a good pace. Before we get started let's be blunt and upfront. I've been in this hobby for many years and not new to the hobby. I appreciate the help and comments, but this is my built and I will do what is best intention for this reef tank! What works for you doesn't mean it will work for me. Basically if you don't have anything nice to say don't say it. Most of these equipment has been savage from my old reef tank that crash during the Hurricane Harvey. So I am still keeping this built to a budget, trying to do most of the DIY myself and save. I am a old school reefer and like to keep it simple as possible. There is some things that I will try out if I see proof and evidence of your tank success. I won't lie and tell you it was great and only post the good pictures, I will be honest and in front. I don't have the nicest setup nor the fanciest equipment so don't expect a lot just a simple Budget Built! Anyways let's get this started.

Here is some history of my old tanks I had enjoyed!

My Acrylic Semi Cube Mix Reef
2017-12-12_06-21-29 by Tony Nguyen, on Flickr

My Bonsai Island
2017-12-12_06-21-42 by Tony Nguyen, on Flickr

Tank background: Water added September 17, 2017. I have managed to cycle the tank in 2 days using a product (TLC SmartStart) recommended by a friend (James). He has a 400g reef tank, that he used it on and added fish the very next day. I'll link you guys his tank video https://youtu.be/brJM93WPLzs

I have added fish in the 4th day instead of the second day like what James did, I'm a big chicken! So as the week passed I added some test corals like mushroom and Tyree Green Toadstool. They have successfully survive and thriving. I finally added my last fish which was in my holding tank from the crash the Purple Tang. So as soon as I added my last fish my Blue Tang broke out with ich. Which is now my worse nightmare having a QT tank and been throw all of this it still happen. I had my Blue Tang since it was a baby so I don't know how it came about. I have been feeding and overfeeding and using this product SElcon it is good stuff guys. You can see my document on youtube on how I mix this along with garlic to get the fish to eat a lot and get fat.. Once that was done I slowly moved on to SPS corals. I asked a few friend to cut me some frag to test out thanks (Josue and James). It was the 3rd week of the tank life I have added SPS corals. So the month have passed and I realized the corals are still alive and going strong! I tested my ALk it was a whopping 17! I was shock, and look at my GeoReef and crank it down right away. Now I am at a stable 10 KH and happy with the results. I added more SPS and drop the PH down to 6.8 to get the corals to start growing. Here are some 1 month of growth pictures sorry they are poor quality pictures by my phone. That is correct I added SPS in less than a month time and they are growing. I know I have broken many rules that have applied and so follow me on this journey!

1 month growth in new tank less then 2 month old:

20171208_192038 by Tony Nguyen, on Flickr

20171208_192230 by Tony Nguyen, on Flickr

20171208_193746 by Tony Nguyen, on Flickr

So what I have to battle with now is, with the overfeeding comes the GHA outbreak which is normal for a new tank. You can see on the pictures that it in covering my sand bed and some of my rocks.

Current Built:

The tank is a 210 Gallon Aqueon reef ready purchase brand new July 2017 72x24x29.
Sump is 40G Breeder DIY
ATO 20 Gallon acrylic
Lighting 2x black box 1x Radion
Geo Reef 618 Reactor 10lb tank
Coralife Turbo Twist UV 36w
Spectra Dual GFO/ Carbon Reactor
JBJ chiller
Apex classic with extra EB8
2 titanium heater control by Apex
200+ pounds of rock
120lb of live sand
30lb of miracle mud
Reef octopus skimmer
Accel Aquatics Biopellet
Titanium ground probe
1x MP40 2x WP40
lots of other pump for water changes/reactor and circulation!

Current Pic 12-12-17

2017-12-12_06-47-50 by Tony Nguyen, on Flickr

2017-12-12_06-48-16 by Tony Nguyen, on Flickr


2017-12-12_06-54-06 by Tony Nguyen, on Flickr

I can't find pictures but this is the construction part:

Just a FYI the construction part was hard due to the leveling of the tank and the flooring was very bad at my place. So it took me a week to get it correct and had to drain it twice!
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