215G In Wall Build

1/2" Acrylic Rod from Allied Plastics here in town. They were sold in 6 foot sections for approx $10ea.

They worked out really well.
Just wondering if the bottom of those rods are flat. If not how else did you get them to balance
Looking good by the way.
I didn't really want to use the acrylic rod to hold up the rocks, instead I left just a tiny bit of rod protruding the bottom of the rock so that I could use epoxy to hold it firmly in place. I chose rocks that had flat enough bottoms to keep the pillars firmly planted on the glass.

I have seen some people drill a few angled holes in the bottom of the rocks and use the acrylic rod to form a "tripod" that holds up the rock. This would work well if you want to keep your rocks off the glass.

If you have any questions let me know.

The tank volume will be approx 350G. Here's a list of fish that I like. I'll fine tune it later when the tank is ready for them:

Emperor Angel
Queen Angel
Yellow Tang
Powder Blue Tang
Achilles Tang
Blonde Naso Tang
Green Chromis
Percula Clowns
Bangaii Cardinals
Copperband Butterfly
Mystery Wrasse
Possum Wrasse
Scribbled Rabbitfish
Updated rock work:



I'll post some non-cloudy pics later tonight.

Nice job on getting the tank in-wall. Some of the rock looks close to the front glass. Are you worried about how to clean front glass?
APorter, when aquascaping we made sure to leave plenty of room for magnet cleaners to pass all the way around the tank. It will by no means be an easy feat to scrape the tank, but its definately do'able.

Justin, I believe they are, I'll double check when I get back home tonight ;)

Looking good Louis! It will be nice to get some corals in there.

One question... where's the sand? :P The fishies need a beach.

I've been debating weither or not I can (not want, because I do want it) put sand in the tank.

I have four maxi-stream modded pumps (approx. 8000gph) a SEIO 1500, and a Mag-Drive 7 (for temporary flow) in the tank. I have between 250-300# of cured sand just waiting to be used, I would hate to put it in the tank and find out that I have to syphon it all out because of my flow.

What are your opinions on sand and crazy flow?

The light rack:

This is my light rack concept sketch, it is built to hold 2xLuminarc III reflectors for 400w Hamilton 14k bulbs and 2x6' VHO Super Actinics.



I'll have pics of the finished project tomorrow, it is about 80% complete.
