220 gal reef need change any ideas?


New member

I have a 220 gal 30 inch high reef with about 100lbs or so of live rock. It has about 30 corals and about 15 fish. This has been setup for a few years now. I am having issues with SPS with getting the light to them. I have a few of them about 17inches from the my 150w metal halides w t5's. That being said some of them are bleaching from the bottom and others peeling. Not sure if this is a light issue or flow or phosphate issue. Most of the soft corals are doing fine. Cept a bubble coral which I think was just a placement issue. My mushrooms maybe don't seem to like the flow of the tank. Most of them are closed.

My phosphates from my crappy api test kit hard to tell. Look like .05 or .08 or 1.0.
My flow if 2 Mag 5's and 2 other Korial 800gal per hrs pumps. Seems like plenty of flow to me.

So if it's not the phosphates I was thinking about the light. I can't get the sps's any higher. So I was thinking about getting more rock. I was looking at my setup and no of my rocks are glues or mounted in any way. So it's a pain sometimes putting corals in. I also haven't glued any of my corals down.

So I was thinking should I resetup the tank to do this. Which would be a pain.
I'm not sure. What would be the best setup? Some people have pvc drilled into there live rock.

My setup
220 gal with 10yr water.
Cpr large refug with calerpa and mangroves with a small sand bed. 10k bulb 32watt
4-5 inch sandbed a few years old
1- 550 Phosban Reactor was running chemipure elite. I shut this down waiting for a shipment of phosban to come. As I think it leaching phosphates back into the tank.
1 - 150 Phosban Reactor running the same only because I had so much of the chemipure.
1 - Turbofloater Protein Skimmer rated at 250 gallons
1 - Corallife UV 18w - I run this only when needed.
Water changes once a week with Coral Life Salt or Instant Ocean. Switching to Reef Crystals.
Current Outer Orbit fixture 3 mh 150w 14k Current-us bulbs 8 39w T5's Antic's
(I might change this fixture for 3 mh 250w with t5's)
Are the Mag 5s on your returns, and your Korallias 800gph each x 2 ?? Probably not enough flow in a 220. What are your water parameters reading? How many MH are you running ? 150 watt bulbs seems a little weak for your set up. I would get rid of the Chemipure and run carbon and gfo. Go with more powerheads (flow) on a random timer. You have a large system with little flow.Specially if Mags are on dual returns !! Update to 250 watt halides or LED and update to a better skimmer asap. Octopus super reef skimmers are very good.Turbofloaters are not very good skimmers. Get rid of it and update immediatly !! You'll see the difference.
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You are going to need way more light to keep SPS in 17" down. That far I would go with at least 3 250watt bulbs plus actinics. Your phosphates do need to come down to at the most (in my opinion) .03. Lastly to keep SPS you will need a lot more flow. With that size tank I would go with around 5000 gallons per hour.
Hi thanks for the input. But I have over 5000 gph with these pumps.
2 korrila mag 5 are 2200 each totaling 4400. And the other 2 are 1600. That's 6000 gal total flow in the tank. I have no sump return.
I thought carbon takes too much out of the water. I was running chemipure elite which i thought was carbon with gfo. I just ordered phosban waiting on it. Should I use my esv carbon in the other reactor?
Your flow should be good then. It mainly sounds like light issues to me, as mushrooms require low light and sps require high light and the mushrooms are doing good so change your lights and you should see a big difference.
change mag return pumps to something more economical,used to use mag pumps for return but changed it because of wattage. I also used reactors using Geo Ca reactor and kalk reactor,this supplies the alk and Ca need of the tank. A good skimmer is important too.
ptr13:I don't use Mag return pumps as I have no sump. I have Korlia Mag 5 pumps.

Fishguy:Anything I can do about the mushrooms?
The koralia mag 5s are 1650 per hour. Keep them clean for the best flow. You really need more light! You could try over driving the t-5s with Ice cap ballasts. And How old are all your bulbs? You really need 250s for a big tank like that. Carbon and GFO are very great things! Just keep making improvments the best you can. Upgrading the lights may cause larger temp swings, so watch out for that as well!
Yeah you need 250's in a good reflector or 400's to keep sps happy in a 30" tank.And sps like more random flow than linear.