shane- thanks fro the feedback....
idon't believe stryofoam is needed for glass, only acrylic.
for glass a very flat high quality plywood should suffice
I've read so much on this topic so it could go on forver. I've seen people do it with glass, in fact, more for glass since it can break easier? i thought it had to do with small, imperfections in the plywood which might result in a slightly unlevel surface.
run a ups for a small recirculation pump or air pump. just something to keep fish alive during power outage. plug as little as possible in to the ups to extend runtime. consider adding a generator.
whats a "ups". sorry, i'm really limited with my electrical skills. someday would like a generator but not with this plan, right now.
home depot has cool timers.
CLICK HERE they fit into a standard light switch faceplate. they have a plastic cover over the controls that when pressed serves as a manual on/off switch.
- the link here didnt work? i've gotten my timers in the past from HD but havent seen anything besides the standard ones.
since you building you own stand, build it a little taller to put the aquarium closer to eye level & prevent viewers from having to bend over to look in. don't place it so high you need a step ladder to service it.
- yes, trying to determine that. i'm actually going to make a PVC model of the tank so I can get used to how big its actually going to be! it will be helpful with the move into my basement, aquascaping, and also how to position it. i'm thinking somewhere between 42" and 45" off the ground. its 30" high. i'm thinking it its 42" off the ground that means I have to get up to at least 6' to reach in. i'm 6'1" and would need somethng to step on.
when calculating the wall thickness, remember to figure in the drywall. if the aquarium is flush with the drywall, adding trim will provide for a nice clean look.
- this is an area open fro debate. i actually want it to look exactly flush with the wall for a clean, straight look. i dont want the "picture frame" look like alot of tanks have. but i'm not sure how i'll accomplish the flat look with the trim on my glass tank and the drywall. very confusing. havent seen any pics on it yet either....
Having the refugium higher is important for creatures other than pods: there are mysis shrimps, mini stars, etc that would never make it through the impeller safely.
- good point. i'm already workong in a modified design to put the fuge up top. stay tuned!