220 Inwall - Plan

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bheron said:
Thanks Tyler. Glad you can tell from the pics how good the 'scaping came out. Yea, my original rock was made up of marshall island, kaelini, and fiji. Then the new stuff i got was just as cool and diverse. I cant say how glad i am you guys convinced me to get LR and base. sooooo different. I still have some more pieces to add, too. And, down the road will want to get another 50-100 lbs in the sump and fuge for flitration purposes.

So, youre saying I could use my lights to cover most of the tank and then use something like the cardboard around the borders?

I still need more rock as well. I'm going to have to see if I can catch some locals selling if at all possible. You got some great rock for a great price; maybe I can luck out as well! :)

I'm basically saying that if you build some kind of removable structure around the back and side of the tank that you'll end up almost having a canopy over the tank. My canopy is 1 1/2 feet tall.. Even if the top was open nothing should be able to jump out and onto the floor.... Same kind of idea; your lights will cover quite a bit of space, but making a simple "wall" around the tank should keep any jumpers in while still allowing plenty of airflow for the lights.

If you build a big enough sump, they may land in the sump below. :lol:

I made a light rack out of aluminum as well. If you go to my site and look at the 280g, there are two pages that sum up the 14 days. In it you'll see how we made the light rack, using angled aluminum and rivets. You'll need a hacksaw or jigsaw with a metal blade, some clamps and a drill to drill out the proper-sized hole for the rivets. It is really easy. Oh, and a file or sand paper to soften any sharp burrs from your cuts.
Tyler - yep, thats what I was thinking you meant. thanks.

Marc - cool. I forgot you did that. I read your whole thread too. I'll go back and check it out. Sounds like it would be doable if I can get the materials. I have the saws. What about a "riviter"? Is that a simple tool I can buy? If not, can I use screws instead of rivets?

EDIT: marc, just found and read the part in your thread on the light rack. perfect. heading out to HD for lunch now and how to find what I need. Question; now that you've had it for ahwile, how do you like the whole "rolling back and forth" system with your lights? I'm thinking of doing a "raising and lowering" think with mine. What do you like and dont like about it now looking back?
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My attitude with jumpers is, if they jump out, their dead meat. My jack russel already ate a few of my fresh water fish that took the plunge. Stupid fish. :rolleyes:

Nice rock work. Those rocks look great! How wide is your tank? Those rocks look huge.
Bryan, the rolling light rack is great. No regrets at all. It would have been larger had I used different reflectors. The only inaccurate part of those images is that my reflectors are now pointing perpendicular rather than parallel with the rack.
Conda -
My attitude with jumpers is, if they jump out, their dead meat. My jack russel already ate a few of my fresh water fish that took the plunge. Stupid fish. Nice rock work. Those rocks look great! How wide is your tank? Those rocks look huge.

- HAHA. Yea, but when you drop $60 on a fish, you wanna keep em IN the tank.

- The tank is 24" wide. Its really a nice depth/width and allows me to keep large rocks with plenty of room in front. Yea, I picked up some really big rocks the last two weeks.

Melev -
Bryan, the rolling light rack is great. No regrets at all. It would have been larger had I used different reflectors. The only inaccurate part of those images is that my reflectors are now pointing perpendicular rather than parallel with the rack.

- Thanks. Gotcha.

Lon -
Where is the link for the light rack?

- Lon, you gotta go to Marc's super-thread link, all the way back to the beginning. From there I beleive its around page 10-15 somewhere?

Keith -
You can pick up a pop-rivet gun for about $20 at home depot or really any hardware store.

- Yep, youre right! Just got back from HD. Priced out what it would cost to use the tube aluminum, or even angle aluminum, plus a rivet gun and rivets, plus the usual 20% buffer and it would cost me $75-$100!

Soooooo.....I'm gonna go a different route. Long term, the aluminum rack is definitely the way to go - I'm convinded. But, what I'm gonna do, short term, for budget and design purposes, is I'm gonna build a prototype out of wood (probably 2x3s). Get it all sized out, fitted, and understand the best way to raise/lower or shift the thing. then, when i have time, budget, and the right plan, I'll invest in the whole aluminum rack thing.

Thanks all! I also spent about $40 buying the rest of the trim for around the tank. I think this is going to be REALLY tricky for me to do, but I have the time and the tools so, hopefully, I'll have part of it done tonight and can finish tomorrow night and paint it.
When I was doing my upgrade, I didn't count the cost of the light rack. I just bought aluminum, as I had the rivet gun already, and the tools. I don't think it cost all that much.

If you go to my site, and click on the 280g link on the front page, the next page has two links to my site's dairy account of the 14 days. I think you want to click on Days 8 to 14. That should be much easier to navigate compared to my 192+ page thread here.
I wishe it was for me.

At my HD an 8' piece of tube aluminum cost about $11. I figured, with 6" of lights, I'd need at least four of those. So there's $45. Then, I'm not sure about the little angles and braces, but add $5. Then $5 for rivets and $20 for the gun. thats $75. And...of course...I'd mess something up, so it would be more :-)))

Anyway, I'll move it to the long term plan.

Yea, marc, I was navigating the ThREAD!!! Ooops. Much easier to go to the diary.
Marc - Do you have a Summary page? You have so many great idea's on your site when I get on there I start looking at one thing and forget what I'm looking for. :lol:

Last night I was on there looking at the Maxi-Jet mod you did.

Bryan - Tank is looking good! Mine is really starting to come around in the last month.
The summary page for my site is called Hidden Treasure, which you can find from the front page of my site. This categorizes everything by subject. Plus there is a search engine at the top of the page to help locate what you are seeking.

My site is going to get a makeover soon, to hopefully make it easier to find things more readily.
bheron said:
Lon - yea! I was checkin out the awesome pics! Nice job!
Thanks!! Hoping to start adding a lot more Life in the next few months.

Marc - Thanks, I knew I seen it some where before but didn't try that this time.

Who made your 280? Very nice!
InterAmerican out of Canada. However, quite a number of people have voiced complaints about this company, so buyer beware.
I have yet to hear of place that doesn't have a problem with at least one of there tanks!! I have a GlassGages tank, and love it, but other think I'm crazy.. :rolleyes: I think they are just mad because I paid less... :D


Well, I never thought I'd get here. I still have several issues to clean up, major and minor, but I am excited to show the following pictures....

My 210 Gallon Tank....


No Flash


Closer Up


Angle View





Right Side


Left Side View


I got the lights finished last night. I rigged up a NO-COST, no frills, low-tech temporary canopy out of 2x3s.


I have it resting on the frame of the tank and eggcrate right now but am going to suspend it from a pulley/chain system tonight.

My last steps are:

1) Put the trim on tonight - I've never done this so I'm expecting this to be a real challenge. Also, b/c my tank spans two walls, it will add to it. And, adding more, is:

2) Put on the front access panels. I bought some lightweight pine 2x6's and have decided to attach these with simple hinges. I then have to run the trim across these as well.

3) PUT THE FISH IN! I have three fish and some inverts that have been soooo patiently waiting since May to move into their new home. I will probably put them in today/tonight.

Well, hope you enjoy the pics! More to come tonight or tomorrow. Thanks for all the help.
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