220 Inwall - Plan

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The system I showed you with the slits cut in the PVC will let the water weep out. It is an alternative if you can't make a bubble tower. The tower is better because there are no obstructions and it sits in the corner.

To attach the cloroplast to the back of the tank, you can buy small velcro squares. Put half on the tank, and half on the cloroplast. Then press it into place. (hmm. Actually I would probably put them together on the glass, then press the cloroplast onto these so they will be perfectly aligned.) If you get some liquid between it and the glass, you can take it off and wipe it down. Or if you want to lessen that from occuring, use some tape across the lip of the tank and the cloroplast, which will reduce 99% of the water that otherwise might drip / seep between the material and the glass. That way you don't have to clean it nearly as much.

Cloroplast is dirt cheap. Where I buy acrylic, they have sheets of it. And hobby shops have it too. Your friend's offer is great!
Marc - thats a great idea. I'll def do that and probably also put the tape across the top as well. Should be reall yeasy!

bheron said:
rdmpe - I checked out that link, the design by "herbie". It looks like this is a design for the overflow boxes? ...
You are right about that. But it does have the effect of silencing the sump end also. Since no air is entering the sump, it's just water flowing out of the submerged end of the drain line - totally silent. But melev's method may be simpler since you have everything working with the durso's already...
Ok, some quick advice needed...

- I heeded the advice of you all and have been checking out the local selling forums. have had some great luck too! I just bought 55lbs of great LR from someone for $100!!! That brings my total LR to 155lbs. Here's two other deals out there I have:

1) 90lbs of baserock for $100 (about $1/lb)

2) A bunch of LR for $2.50/lb

Should I go with my 155 if live rock and add the cheaper, unseeded stuff? Or should I continue to build with LR.

Note: I will only get the LR if its dirt cheap - like $2-$2.50 a pound. Otherwise the base rock and waiting for it to see is my choice.

bheron said:
Ok, some quick advice needed...

- I heeded the advice of you all and have been checking out the local selling forums. have had some great luck too! I just bought 55lbs of great LR from someone for $100!!! That brings my total LR to 155lbs. Here's two other deals out there I have:

1) 90lbs of baserock for $100 (about $1/lb)

2) A bunch of LR for $2.50/lb

Should I go with my 155 if live rock and add the cheaper, unseeded stuff? Or should I continue to build with LR.

Note: I will only get the LR if its dirt cheap - like $2-$2.50 a pound. Otherwise the base rock and waiting for it to see is my choice.


I would take a look at the base rock personally. The base rock I've got was all fiji; for $1.00 per lb CDN I couldn't go wrong. My base rock isn't even all that bad too. If it looks nice enough to use, I say go for it. You'll have a really large percentage of rock that is "real" live rock to seed the rest with. Helk, if you have too much base rock to work with you can just toss it in the sump too. :)

I would look at both if possible. Some baserock is simply unsuitable, if it isn't porous. Limestone boulders are a perfect example, and home-made concrete rock is another one that can be far too dense.

You know you can keep adding more LR as you come across good deals, as there is no rush. As long as it is fully cured and kept submerged before putting it in the tank, it won't cause a cycle.
ok, thanks. i found out more. the base rock is a combination of reeferocks and dead live rock. so it should be good quality. yea, i guess i can wait, but i dont want to have to re-aquascape.

Ok, thanks to all of your input, I was able to really improve my LR situation! In the last week, I've purchased 120 pounds of premium LR, and at a phenomenal price! I got some really good stuff off of two peopple I found locally in one of the forums here. So, as a result, I now have 220 pounds of seeded, cured, live rock. Thanks so much.

Also, last week I ordered my lighting - 8*80W T5 - and 2 6080 Tunze Streams. They are all scheduled to be here tomorrow. When I came home today, I found part of the T5 shipment actually made it today. I'll post pics in the next day or so, but let me just say how amazingly THIN these T5 lights are! I wasnt prepared for it when I took them out. Pretty cool.

One question before I go, about my LR:

- I've been "cooking" the original 100lbs of LR from mt existing tank for about 5 weeks now. Figured, what the hey, I was waiting around anyway. Glad I did b/c they were pretty dirty. I also put in 55 lbs of new stuff I got last week. That stuff was really clean to begin with. And its been all looking really clean now. Well, the stuff I got today (75lbs) is pretty dirty.

My debate is: the stuff Ipurchased today was literally pulled out of someone's running SW tank and immediately transported home to water at my house in 30 mins. While its dirty, it has ALOT of life on it. So I was wondering should I continue to cook this stuff or should I rinse it well a few times and put it in the tank b/c of all the life on it (good baceteria, pods, hitchhikers, worms, etc)?

Hey Bryan,
Ya, the T5s are incredibly thin aren't they? I am so paranoid that I'm going to break them when I'm handling them, putting on the reflectors, etc.

From what I've read about cooking rock, most of the life should survive the cooking process; just not the photosynthetic life like algae.

That said however, I would personally put some of the rock that's teeming with life in the tank as is. Might as well presereve everything including the corraline, etc. Was the tank FOWLR or reef?

Tyler -
Ya, the T5s are incredibly thin aren't they? I am so paranoid that I'm going to break them when I'm handling them, putting on the reflectors, etc.

- YES! I'm so clumsy with my hands that I tend to break anything small around me! The first thing I thought when I saw them was "oh boy, put these down quick you're gonna break them you idiot!". It should be a challenge for me from here on out!

From what I've read about cooking rock, most of the life should survive the cooking process; just not the photosynthetic life like algae.

That said however, I would personally put some of the rock that's teeming with life in the tank as is. Might as well presereve everything including the corraline, etc. Was the tank FOWLR or reef?

- Hmm, cool. Good thinking. Ok, I follow you. This tank was not a FOWLR but it had PC lighting and some very limited corals in there. I was amazed at how much life was on it when I took it out and dipped it. Found a bunch of snails, hermits and TWO emeralds! Also, one of the rocks has "zoos" on it, but they look dead to me. He said they're alive. We shall see. I put that one directly in the holding tank.

Marc -
agree, I'd not cook it unless it has obvious issues.

- Ok, thats two votes enough for me! It looks like very healthy rock, except alot of detritus on it and in it. Not an overly-maintained tank, if you know what I mean. Oh, and some really great types and shapes too. Fiji, Tonga Branch, Solomon Island and something called "sulawesi" rock. Some of the nicest stuff I've seen, and something that would cost 6-7 a pound at a LFS.

Well, thats great news. So, guess what????

AQUASCAPING SHALL COMMENCE!! Unfortunately cant do it tomorrow night, but I have the entire weekend to myself so I begin Friday night. Who-hoooo! :D

(PS - thanks for all your help and suggestions around the live rock. I was about to drop $250 on 100lbs of base rock a week ago. Got 125 lbs of premium LR for the same price!)
I used a spare piece of 2" ABS pipe as a storage for my T5 bulbs when not in use. I kept all the cardboard sleeves from the bulbs too. If I ever have to take the bulbs out to maintain the tank I slip the bulbs into the cardboard sleeves and into the ABS pipe segment. That way I don't break them as easy.

Agreed, use the rock as it is and I'm sure it'll work out fine.

Sounds like a great variety of rocks for a great price! I only wish more people in my area were selling live rock! :lol:

I'm really glad you are using all live rock. I've seen a real trend toward the use of base rock, even with a thread that had quite a following promoting the use of dead fiji baserock.

The basic commonality that I observed were people trying to save money, and many appeared to believe that any baserock was good baserock. That is where I felt the crowd was heading off in the wrong direction. I finally unsubscribed because I just didn't care to battle the lemmings. (And I don't mean that in an ugly way.)

It sounds like you got some great pieces. Pictures pictures pictures.
Kewl. I completely agree now. I saw a picture of 90lbs of baserock being sold. Was only a few pieces b/c of its density. One of the many issues with it.

I'll take picks tonight/tomorrow night!

EDIT: in the meantime, here's some links to the rocks that I bought yesterday. Its pics of the tank that I literally pulled the rock out of. nice shapes:




In other news, I wanna purchase two DJ-100s for my electric. Too cool not to have :-)

Problem is, I cant reall find them on ebay. I remember some links on RC here about them but cant find any. Want to use the one's that you can plug right into, not hard wire (Marc, I think you hard-wired outlets into yours? I want the ones with the 3 prong plugs built in).

Bryan, the links don't work. Bandwidth is used up I think.

The American DJ powerstations are available at Guitar Center, if you have that store in your area. The back of each switch is 3 pronged outlets. Instead of plugging my stuff into these, I created a panel of electrical boxes, and the leads were wired into plugs which could be pushed into the back of each of the 8 outlets. This is a shot from the front. I should add a couple more of the contruction images to help provide more information:

Be glad you didn't make your own rock; I smashed apart one of the rocks I had made back when I thought I'd be DIYing my live rock; certainly worse than base rock. It was no where near as light and porous as my fiji and hatian rock.

BTW, the first pic loaded for me; great rocks! Really cool shapes! Those will be great for aquascaping!

Hey Bryan, I was able to load the 1 and 3 pics, nice rock with great shapes! I've seen a bunch of LR go on sale around here but my tank is so far from being ready, I just don't want to deal with it yet. So I'm hoping that more will be available when I'm ready.

Here's an interesting cooking thread if you're interested. Some heated debate and interesting info. I like the idea of treating the LR as actual livestock and trying to keep as much life going on it as possible while also not getting overrun by algae.
Glad to see your LR sittuation worked out. I hope there are some peeps selling more when I'm ready to add some. I'd gate to spend $10 from the LFS.
Marc -
"The American DJ powerstations are available at Guitar Center, if you have that store in your area. The back of each switch is 3 pronged outlets. Instead of plugging my stuff into these, I created a panel of electrical boxes, and the leads were wired into plugs which could be pushed into the back of each of the 8 outlets. This is a shot from the front. I should add a couple more of the contruction images to help provide more information"

- Yes! Thanks. This is great, we have one locally. And also a Sam Ash which carries them.

- Now I have another question, Marc, after looking at your setup. Did you wire it this way so that you could space out the receptacles and, therefore, fit all things like timers? Even though I havent seen the back of one of these things, I'm concerned I would be able to fit any timers.

Tyler -
"Be glad you didn't make your own rock; I smashed apart one of the rocks I had made back when I thought I'd be DIYing my live rock; certainly worse than base rock. It was no where near as light and porous as my fiji and hatian rock."

- Thats good to know. I remember thinking of going this way and am glad I didnt, especially after hearing about yours.

rdmpe -
"I was able to load the 1 and 3 pics, nice rock with great shapes! I've seen a bunch of LR go on sale around here but my tank is so far from being ready, I just don't want to deal with it yet. So I'm hoping that more will be available when I'm ready.

Thanks! Yea, I was pretty lucky to find such good stuff. Good luck!

"Here's an interesting cooking thread if you're interested. Some heated debate and interesting info."

- I'll have to check that you. Might be one of the many I've been on already.

Conda -
"Glad to see your LR sittuation worked out. I hope there are some peeps selling more when I'm ready to add some. I'd gate to spend $10 from the LFS."

- Thanks. Yea, I really found alot in the PARC forum. I think, maybe you pointed me there on the one deal? Either way, there's alot of activity there and its all pretty local.


Tonight is the big night. Am heading outta here early today to begin aquascaping. I'm hoping to have the majority of it done tonight (wife's away for the weekend!). I'll take lots of pics.

Also, other updates:

1) My order from Marine Depot came in. Along with a 36" Kent scraper, a pair of rubber gloves, and a magfloat, the big item was my 2 Tunze Stream 6080s! I'm really siked about these. Before the rock is complete, I want to have these in place.

2) Bought two big sheets of egg crate. Man, I remember this stuff was expensive! over $20 for Two 2x4 pieces! I want to have these in place after the aquascaping and before #3 below.

3) My shipmen from Reefgeek.com also came in with my 8x80w T5 lighting! Took it all out of the box last night and inspected it. 3 Icecap ballasts came with it. Really cool and all new to me!

4) Also went to HD today and picked up two different types of trim for the outside of my tank. Two different styles and brands/makes. One is regular wood and another is a type of prefabricated trim that is already painted and is waterproof. It looks pretty good! I'm gonna take both home tonight and see which one looks best.

5) Lightweight Pine plank to begin construction the lid to the front access on the tank. I've decided to use hinges here and have seen alot of other, creative, but more expensive methods. I'm gonna keep it simple here and use lightweight wook and hinges. We'll see how that goes.

Well, I never thought I'd make it to the point of picking out trim for this project! I'll have plenty of pics and updates tonight or tomorrow morning!
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