24/7 Lighting


New member

Can anyone outline the Pros/Cons of 24/7 lighting for a Calurpa fuge please?

I have been having a discussion on another thread and it was suggested we bring it here.

We agree it is not natural, but the Ecosystem recommend 24/7

Does it affect the production of sugers for the Algae?

Does Calurpa require a 'Dark Cycle' as animals do?

What do you think?

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Beats me if it matters...I light mine 24/7, just because...I didn't have another timer laying around.
I have been growing plants for a long time and it is my opinion that they do need a rest period to be healthy and grow normally. I have read that light 24/7 will eventually put the plants into more of a reproductive mode and not a growing mode. I have heard of people losing their caluprea etc....it turns white and dies--I think this is because they are not letting it grow normally.

I think the reason it is suggested to keep the lights on 24/7 is to help stabalize ph in the tank...but at the expense of the life of the plant.

just my 2 cents.....

I know this is totally opposite of the current recommendations but.... I think it is more in line with the biological processes of the plants to only have the lights on for a certain amount of time.

If stablaization of the ph is the main reason for the plants--maybe have the plants light at opposite times than the display tank.

again this is just my opinion and experience
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I run mine 24/7 and get wonderfull growth..... I set the lights on a timer and stuff started dieing off. Stays on 24/7 365 now....
I sell about 20$ worth of the stuff a week now.
The real deal on 24/7 lighting

The real deal on 24/7 lighting

I run mine 24/7 and have no problems at all. There is much confusion on 24/7 lighting. First of all plants respire all day and night, not just when the lights are out , Plants are growing all the time and that requires O2 and expells CO2. As far as a dark cycle.The dark cycle of photosynthesis means that that process which is stage two of it can take place without light, it does not mean it cannot happen while there is light. The light reaction is required because the energy of light is used to split the H2 from the H2O in water to realse O2, ( it takes two molecules of water for a plant to produce molecualr Oxygen.) plants do not split CO2 to make O2. the CO2 is combined with the H2 to make the carbohydrates required for growing and reproduction. THe Dark reaction only means that it does not require light energy to start or maintian that portion of the cycle. Lighting cycles for plants influence reproductive behavior. Duration of light affects certain hormones in plants that will either stimulate reproductive behavior, dormaint cycles , or massive growth cycles. Since duration of light is linked to a particluar season plants have adapted to using light as a cue as to what season they are approaching and taking the proper actions to ensure survival.
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