24 Gallon JBJ Nano for sale


Premium Member
Complete 24 gallon JBJ nano

Has been set up and maintenanced for 2 years.

Includes the following:

- JBJ 24g deluxe with moon lights and (2) 36 watt 50/50 CF lamps
- Upgraded Maxi-Jet pump
- Retrofitted 160 gph power head in the second chamber with Hydor wave maker attachment
- Jager heater
- “S” shaped stand (needs repairs)

Live Stock
- A dozen assorted sized hermits from small to x-large (scarlet and blue legged)
- Green emerald crab
- Assorted starfish (Large blackish brittle, smaller assorted ones (astrea))
- Clown: true percula hosting in anemone
- Large blue/green anemone
- Pajama cardinal
- 4 Stripe Damsel
- 35-50 lbs of assorted live rock
- Golden Yellow polyps
- Brown button polyps
- Blue mushroom


Call Brian at 731-616-9619 or email at brian.harms@yahoo.com

The tank is located in Jackson, TN. Pickup only.



Its not mine...it's a friends. I hadn't talked to him in awhile but I'm pretty sure he still has it. Are you interested?
yeah, no kidding. cody had a bad *** tank. then sold it all. i got some nice corals from him.

so what;s he doing now?
Hey guys! (and thanks for the compliment Joey)

Yes, I did move just north of Nashville. It was the best thing I've ever done...

For whatever reason, once I changed email addresses, all of my old links to threads and to the club forum didn't transfer over...so I kind of lost touch with the club. After several emails to tech support and board moderators without them helping me, I finally gave up.

Hope everyone is doing well!