24-Hour Sale: 10% off Everything!

Thanks for the coupon! Just put in a big order!!! To my surprise it was actually cheaper than Amazon for the identical items after I reached the free shipping of $175 AND I'll get everything in one box which is a big plus!


Thanks for the coupon! Just put in a big order!!! To my surprise it was actually cheaper than Amazon for the identical items after I reached the free shipping of $175 AND I'll get everything in one box which is a big plus!

Thank you for shopping with us! We know you have many options for aquarium equipment and want you to know that we really appreciate your business.

If you need any assistance setting up your new gear, please don't hesitate to contact us. Tech support is always free"”whether you buy from us or not"”and we'd love to hear from you.

MLK Holiday Sale?

MLK Holiday Sale?

Is this type of sale (10% off) going to occur this coming weekend for the MLK holiday? Maybe starting a couple of days early?

Hi, Dr Colliebreath! Thank you for your question and for visiting our forum here on RC.

We are not having a flat-discount sale for the MLK holiday, although we are planning to it again in the not-too-distant future (specific dates are yet to be determined). You can stay up-to-date on all our sales by signing up for our email newsletter or by connecting with us on the social media sites listed in our signature below.

This Friday's email is on live rock aquascaping. It will have an article plus deals on related merchandise. We're also introducing a new weekly promotion called "The BIG Deal" that will become a part of all of our emails going forward, regardless of the theme.

Please keep in mind, though, that we do match competitor prices and coupons! If you see a better price elsewhere online during the holiday weekend or any time, just click on the Low Price Guarantee tag on our product pages or give us a call so we can match the price for you. We want your business!

Flat discount?

Flat discount?

Any 10% off promo's comming up? Looking for some new lighting.

Hi, ronhjr! Thank you for considering us as your aquarium lighting source. We appreciate you taking the time to visit our forum here on RC and giving us a shot at your business.

We have a couple of big promotions planned for later this month. Your best best would be to sign-up for our email newsletter so you'll get notice when the offers go live. The odds of us also posting them here on RC are, oh, about 100%... so no pressure, really. We just don't want you to miss them since they will, in all likelihood, be for a limited time only.

We'd love tell tell you more, but that would take away from the excitement of it all!

Please also keep in mind we not only match competitor prices and coupons now, we will beat any lower price by giving you back 10% of the difference. See our Low Price Guarantee for details.

Is there a particular light you're considering? We'll see what we can do about putting it on sale.