

Try placing something like a acrylic or plastic sheet in the side of the skimmer by the pump. Basically try to mimic the side panel on the Tunze stand. As I mentioned in my post, it has made a big improvement in my skimmer performance.
I need to research the ratings, I am on dial up and their is a long answer to that so hopefully tomorrow DSL will be back and I can get to it.
OK, I found my notes. For the 9010 we have the rating of 500liter of stone coral with full open flow through, the 9015 is for 1000liter. These ratings assume a turnover of 2 times tank volume an hour through the skimmer to be ideal for SPS. For Soft coral and LPS the rating is doubled or the same as the present ratings of the equivalent models which were based on dutch style algae and soft coral reefs. In the future we will make a bigger skimmer but it is still in the planing phases at the time.

The 9000 series is fully upgradable through the range, the pumps are the same. What varies is the amount of air the venturi can take in and this influences the flow through rates. The skimmer cups vary in height to increase contact time as well. The 9005 is very short with a half height cup and delivered only for in tank use. This is designed to fit under canopies. The venturi is just barely cracked open. The 9010 is the standard cup we use now and can be used in sump or in tank. The 9015 is for both uses but has the tall cup of the 240 and includes a new foam extraction tower that can be used instead of the cup.