240ish through wall help in a new home

looks like you are on the right track. if you have seen my build thread (little red house), you can see how tight space can be directly under the tank. it can be done, but it has to be well planned out as far as equipment footprints, etc. in my case, i custom made the calcium reactor, kalk reactor, sump/fuge, and skimmer so it was easier for me to make everything fit - i just built it to fit. i would suggest making a list of ALL the equipment you want to house, then sketch out how it will fit. remember also, that the inside space under the tank will not be a full 24" - you have to subtract about 7" for wall studs.
I would buy the Reeflo Orca skimmer and make sure it has room on one side of the tank then buy an aquacontroller and keep that with all other electrical on the otherside. I'd put the sump and topoff water under the tank with the rodi. Also i'd put all electrical on the upper side and leave room for food and other stuff. think about putting the lights on a rack and maybe sliding all the lights out into the bedroom while you service it in the great room so they're out of the way. Make sure you have cabinents above, below and around the tank because you need a lot of room to put everything in. If you're planning a chiller makesure you vent the cabinet where the chiller is and keep it away from the sump so it doesn't heat the area when it's trying to cool it.
Also, I'd run 3 250w MH's with 2 or 4 long t5 bulbs, aquacontroller 3, Reeflo Orca, a calcium reactor and prob a kalk reactor also. When you say $10k does that include corals and livestock? Im thinking

2000 tank
500 sump
1500 skimmer
750 reactors
500 lights
2000 stand and cabinets?
300 plumbing
500 aquacontroller

10,000 Is a lot of money just makesure you don't skimp out on the essentials
You can't do the AC3 for $500. You need probes and Direct Connect sockets at the minimum. Running a Ca reactor will require an PX-1000 and an additional pH probe...it's an easy $1000. I have $2500 into my Neptune System.
I don't have any experience in these sorts of projects (I'm at least a year or two away from starting my own large tank) but I think I would look into using a Tunze skimmer and a Tunze calcium reactor. They have an extremely small footprint and can be installed in the sump to ease your plumming/space concerns.

I don't know how they perform though...



Given the Tunze name, the size, and the price, I don't know why I don't read about more people using their skimmers and Ca reactors on this forum.
wow, a TON of great info! I would realy love to have some reefers a bit closer to me, but I think we all seem to be spread out just a little bit to far from one another! Washington, Deleware, Ohio, Texas, Pennsylvania! SHESH~

So fart as costs, I am really really hoping to get by with less than 10K! lol But if I could pull it off with a complete minimal hassle system i'll do it!

again, I really appreciate everyone's input.

"that tank is too small for that room. "

Got to agree with Jon on this one.....what's the potential for a 3 sides viewing/peninsula tank? It would give you more space underneath for all the support equipment.... just a thought :)
Don't listen to em', they're evil! Stick to your budget! Once you go over, you'll go WAY over! (speaking from experiance here...) ;)
3 sided tank isnt in the picture~ the only way you would see it is with the door open, and who is going to stand in the hallway to look at the end of the tank?

If I had that much $$$ I would be building a larger house! :D

L.R. :cool:
Tank to be completed the end of this week- 31" wide, 96" long, and 24" tall.

bump for mrcrab~ ()it was GREAT to meet you)

L.R. :D
Fellow Central Floridian reefer here..

One question I had in all of this: Where are you going to go Mountain Biking in Florida? hehehe.. :)

On a seriouis note, I'm about to upgrade from a 180 to a 320 in-wall, and I am going to end up with about 4k in it.. You *can* stay on a budget, it just depends on what you can DIY.. :) For example, I'm building a cone skimmer reusing my sedra 9000 from my current skimmer, and the entire thing is going to cost about $200..

You can DIY a LOT of this hooby, and easily, if you have patience and the tools needed..
