If your polyps are not expanding, for this reason alone, dipping is never, never the appropriate first course of corrective action to take unless predation or disease is apparent. Many, some may disagree, and that's fine, but without knowing more about your system, I would never advise it prematurely. It seems that dips are being touted all over the web as a panacea for polyp issues and retraction, when they can actually exacerbate the situation if used when not warranted.
There are numerous, numerous reasons why your polyps may be retracting. Often a series of Q & A, and not abrupt dipping can isolate the problem. It can be something as simple as a parameters that has swung way out of your normal tolerance. It could be stray voltage, it could be something as simple as bad frags ( which is often the case lately ) or overpowering currrent, none of which would require a dip to correct. Anything growing in or near your polyps like a Hydroid for example, could be causing your problem. If it is a one of these tiny frags, I will share with you why those polyps may or may not expand, there are numerous reasons. You could also and very well be experiencing a simple bout of normal periodic retraction which truly is normal and expected, it happens.
If you are requesting some help with your polyps, please see this link below and share everything listed in this link so we can better assist you if you are experiencing polyp retraction and want some assistance from someone in this forum.
Then, take a look at the first page of this thread.
I will be updating this list soon with 30 Reasons Why Your Polyps Won't Expand.
Mucho Reef