250g bullnose penninsula build


One thing I noticed with the plumbing, I'd liberally sprinkle in some unions between those ball-valves to make for easy removal/maintenance.
Build looks great so far.. but I would get rid of the Blueline velocity T4 pump. You are only going to have issues with it.
I need some help from everybody. The plumbing is complete and circulating r/o, but the pump doesn't put out enough flow. Can someone reccomend a pump that can put out enough flow for 300g total system volume with 16' head?

Here's a pic filling the tank. slowly. Drywall guy coming tomorrow to finish up the closet and stand.
What else are you using for flow in the tank? A Pan World (PS150 or PS200) or Sequence (Hammer Head) pressure rated pump should do well for return flow against 18' of vertical head.

BTW, your structural support plan looks solid.
Alot of work the past few days. Drywall was finished, textured and painted.



Before I get blasted for the bioballs, I intend to remove them. I needed to get the tank installed and cycled asap because someone is holding the fish that came with the system for me.


The rock is just placed in the tank. I still need to aquascape. This weekend I'll be getting the skimmer in and work on the canopy and trim.
I want to take advantage of the equipment I got with the system, so I think i'm gonna modify this lifereef sump to use in my main sump for the return.

I like the idea of using this because the box of bioballs fits in the left side of the sump. Ill remove the bioballs and use the tray for chemipure. I can use the other side for skimmer, heaters etc...I see alot of others with the rubbermaid sump use another tub in the sump on the return to house the skimmer (keeps the water level for the skimmer constant). I think if I modify the lifereef sump correctly, I can achieve the same results.

Both need to be cleaned up. :(
Just build a shelf to sit across your tub and set the sump on it with a gravity drain down to the tub, and you should be good to go. Question is, will that skimmer keep up with your bio load for this nice big display?!!!

Looks like you went with a Pan World return pump, good choice!

So, if you don't know how to sheet rock, how did you manage to wrap the sheet rock around that bullnose so perfectly? Looks Great!
I run lifereef refugium/sump and skimmers and i LOVE them, especially with the three built-in reactors! you can run three different medias at anytime!

p.s your dog looks TIRED, cute pup!
According to lifereef, the skimmer should be big enough. I've never really thought about it before, but how will I know if its too small?

The stand was sheet rocked when I got it. After my failed attempts to finish/repair the drywall, I hired some guys to do it (they laughed at me). I had to hire them anyway to texture the walls so they did everything.

I'm not a structural engineer( but i did stay at a holiday in express last night :jester:) but I would reconsider this setup. If it were my house I would take extend your 2x12s all the way to the foundation wall and over you 2 x 6 wall so that you are carrying the load down to the footing that is designed to handle it.
Great tank. Hope you build a nice wrap around canopy for it. Your rock work could be better. Marco rocks has some really nice pieces. It would make your tank stand out more.
You really need to address you support set up.

They just look nice, but not doing any help.
250g is a lot of water.
Is your tank's length going in the direction of the joists?
Can you span spme supports perpindicular to the floor joists ?
Jim C.