250g bullnose penninsula build

I'm not a structural engineer( but i did stay at a holiday in express last night :jester:) but I would reconsider this setup. If it were my house I would take extend your 2x12s all the way to the foundation wall and over you 2 x 6 wall so that you are carrying the load down to the footing that is designed to handle it.

You really need to address you support set up.

They just look nice, but not doing any help.
250g is a lot of water.
Is your tank's length going in the direction of the joists?
Can you span spme supports perpindicular to the floor joists ?
Jim C.

The 2x12's are in place mostly to keep the joists from crushing and to help distribute some of the weight. The tank spans the four joists I braced. I estimate the tank to be close to 3000lbs. The support wall is 8'tall x7' long. An 8' 2x6 wall 16" on center has a max load of 1774lbs plf making the load capacity of my wall 12418lbs. I should be fine. :)
Here's some new pics of the progress from the last week. The canopy is up but still need to do some finish work on it. I need to build a vertical trim piece for the living room side before I can finish the trim work on the canopy/stand. Baseboards need to be installed so I can finish the carpet. The sump is finished and the bio-balls removed. What a relief the tank is up and running now but the hard part is next- aquascaping!


I haven't update this thread in months so here's an update. Construction is complete and everything was going very well until a few weeks ago I had a bout with flukes that nearly wiped out all of my livestock. The only survivors were the chromis, naso and flamehawk. I learned my lesson about the importance of quarantine tanks. In the meantime, I took the opportunity to upgrade a few things. Most importantly I setup a quarantine tank, upgraded to LED fixtures, LED moonlight strip and added more live rock to the sump. Here are the pics. Sorry they are iphone pics.





I'm hoping the blueline led's are better than the cheap chinese led's on Amazon. They look almost identical but with Bridgelux led's so fingers crossed.
They put out some serious light. Anyone in the Denver area with a par meter?
Next on the to do list is aquascaping and slowly replace lost livestock.