250w Ushio 10k


New member
I know this bulb is not very pleasing to the eye. What are peoples experiences with this bulb are far as growth and coral colors? I'm thinking of using this bulb on my prop tank with added actinic. Any experiences would be great to hear...

Thanks, Jeff
I think it's a very nice bulb, color also. My buddy has a single ended one and it's a nice white with blue hinted color. Not yellow at all, he's running it on an electronic ballast.
not sure yet, he's new to stonies and just bought 10 frags last week. I think Sanjay tested it and PAR came in at 88 w/ electronic ballast so that isn't too shabby.
Been there done that. I used the Ushio after swapping from Hamilton 14 K. The Ushio was a good bulb for me but I was more satisfied with the XM bulbs. I run 3 with URI actinics and it works for me, or I should say for my corals. Good growth and color. However I am now experiementing with A guiesman 13 K in the center and I must say this bulb seems to be the best yet for my tank. IME the guiesman W/O actinics is more pleasing than XM & Ushio and the way to go. Excuse me for jumping in and my spelling.
back it up with a couple of actinics and it will straighten out the color a bit. I get good growth with it.
I had excellent growth and color with Ushio bulbs. I had slightly better with XM10K though.
I guess the reason I asked is because I have a brand new ushio bulb that has been sitting around and thought I would try it on my prop/frag tank. Just wondering what peoples experiences were with these bulbs before trying it out.

Thanks for all the replies so far.....
I have them also and they have a nice crisp white color but I added 4x54 T5 Blue+. This gives it a nice balance. Growth is great. Much better than i was experiencing with CV 14k. Here is a pic for you. Although it was photoshopped the colors have not been messed with just erased the dirty background.

I run just the Ushio's 10K's with no supplement-

I love the look and the coral colors are great not everything is blue or purple like it was with my 20K XM's. Now I have nicer pink's and blues with some nice red's coming in since I made the bulb change about 2 months ago.

This is a pic of the 10K's


Give them a small time period to burn in and they should look great, mine are nice and white.

Also just as an FYI when I purchased my first three bulbs for over my tank, one bulb looked very yellow. I took a closer look after a week and noticed that the inside of the bulb (the part that lights up) had an actual yellow spot on it that was causing the yellow affect. My LFS looked at it and replaced the bulb no problem. just thought I would let you know in case you had a bulb look very yellow once it had some time to burn in.
I am also running on my 75g 2x250w 10k ushio with 4-T5 to balance the color and all I can say is Im pretty satisfied with growth and color and on my 120g Im running radium 2x250w reeflux 12k and its also a nice bulb...
I am on my third set of Ushio 250 watt SE 10K's and like them very much.
Pics of the 90 gallon I just took down with older bulbs(~ 10 months) on it.....supplimented with 2 110 watt URI VHO atinics:




Very nice Chris- I've always loved pics of your tank...

I'm definitely going to give them a go..

Thanks to everyone that posted... You all have helped very much!