265g closed loop


New member
Trying to reclaim my 265 from a few years of neglect. Just ordered O.M. 4 way for my closed loop was gonna use a Iwaki 100 for circulation through the O.M. Paul at OM didnt think it would be enough so my question is this. I have two Iwaki 100's should i run them both giving me about 4000gph of which i could turn one off at night for the evening "calm" or should I get rid of the 2 iwaki 100's and just buy a sequence barrcuda or hammerhead and run that? Running an Iwaki 70RLT for my sump return.
Gregde...Running 2 Iwaki 100s on closed loop and an Iwaki 70RLT on your sump return should work fine.
For noise and efficiency I would ditch the iwakis and get a sequence pump. I would also downsize the return pump as well, unless this is a basement sump or some other high head situation.
Fiziksgeek...I agree with the noise issue. I'm using 3 Darts...2 for closed loops, and 1 for sump return. What do you know about the noise level for GenX PCX55HP pumps. I'm going to use 2 of those on my dual beckett skimmer.
I've never used a gen-x pump, but what I have heard is that they are a bit louder than an iwaki or pan world. I use a Pan world 200PS on my dual beckett. The water and air going through the skimmer is louder than the pump itself.

Using a big pressure rated pump for flow is very inefficient. Sequence or ampmaster is the way to go.
Fiziksgeek Would u downsize the return for less flow or just because the 70 is a pressure rated pump and I dont really need a pressure rated pump? Noise isnt that big of a deal have been running the 70 for the last 4 years. I have the 100's but am not real attached to them (I did just revuild both of them before i started thinking about changing my mind!) Would you run one or two sequences to reduce flow at night?

I am on a big efficiency kick these days. Since you already have the pumps, you have to weigh the loss of replacing them and the cost of new pumps against the energy savings. If its several hundred dollars to get new pumps, how long will it take to recover that in energy saings? Just another thought.

If I was starting from scratch, I would use a smaller return pump simply because a large one is not necessary. Most of the necessary flow will comes from the CL. I also feel it allows the water to be processed a bit better by your skimmer, fuge or whatever. Also less worries about microbubbles getting back into the tank.

As for reducing flow at night, I think thats a personal choice. If you have lots of rock and good hiding places, the sleeping fish wont be bothered by the extra flow. Reducing flow may allow night feeding polys to extend further though, but thats just speculation. Wouldnt be hard to run a couple of Darts, one on that OM 4-way and one for static flow. Then you also have back up in one goes down for maintenance, you will still have some flow.

Did that make sense? hahaha..Too many choices...
I love the Barracuda on my 240, but will probably upgrade to the hammerhead in the future. Nice and quiet, but mine is in the garage.

decided to go with the hammerhead, and leave the 70 on my sump since its already there. Just got my 4-way so need to get the pump then figure out where to put it all!