28 Bowfront Stocking and Cleanup


New member
Whats up, I am thinking about stocking list for the 28 bowfront I just set up. As far as cleanup crew I was thinking:
2 Turbos
3 each of Nassarius, Astrea, and Cerith
Is this two little? Also I purchased fully cured lr from my lfs which was sitting in their tanks. I do not expect to have an algae outbreak at the end of my cycle, as I did not with my NC6 which used this rock.

As far as fish go I definitely want the following:
1 or 2 Percula, or Ocellarsis- (which do you suggest and how many)
1 Bangaii Cardinal
Other fish I would like but realize cannot have them all!..Or could I? Thats why I am asking!
1- Royal Gramma
1- Six Line Wrasse- Would they be O.K in a tank this size?
1- Flame Angel- Again, would they be O.K in a tank this size? As far as Nipping, I will be keeping LPS and a few softies! Are they more prone to nip at one coral than another?

Edit: Ahh I forgot I already had that nanocube setup with a Purple Firefish and a Red Banded Goby!! I know to many fish for that tank, but it was only temporary! I will be transferring them over to the 28 as well! So from that list of fish what do you suggest for the most color/ movement! It will be a reef. Sorry, and Thanks so much!
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