29 Biocube + Tuze


New member
Hello everyone,
I have a Few questions if you don't mind:
1. I am about to get the Tunze ATO. Is it best to put Laser / Float part in 3rd chamber where the pump is? Also I have the Biocube stand, what should I put the RO water in, a bucket or another 10G tank?

2. I would like to get the Nano Wave box... Will this be to much for the tank, since it only may have 20G will all the rocks... Also if I can get one, can I put it under the pump or where would be best to put it?

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1) I would believe so, but have no first hand experience with the BioCube. I would get some end user feedback. You will likely need a small valve to reduce the top off pump flow as the pump shuts off 10 seconds after a fill is registered, there is a built in overfill to avoid repeated cycling and on tanks less than 30 gallons this can be too much water.

2) This tank is too small for a wavebox to be a worthwhile expense. The volume is fine but a standard 29 is 30" long and that is really the minimum length for a worthwhile wave. This tank is just too short.
Got mine today, set it up like that guys, but I put the laser sensor about half way up the 3rd chamber and the floating valve about an inch higher... I still have about 3 or 4 inches until it hits the overflow on the sump, just in case. So far it has worked wonderful and it was too easy to set up!!! I'm Hyped:bounce2: