29 gallon restart

Cody Ray

New member
This is where I will be documenting the restart of my 29 gallon. Recently I had a system crash due to carbon dosing. This lead to an outbreak of brooks (I believe that this weakend the fish and allowed a pre existing condition to really bloom). I lost my male clownfish to this and I am treating my remaining fish in a 20 gallon QT. I will post update fts photos every sunday and tank conditions every day (god willing ;) ). I have also decided to stick with soft corals and lps corals right now.


There is a slight smell comming from the aquarium. As you can see all of the coralline is dead. Sometime this week I am hoping to pick up a piece of liverock to seed what I have.
how about clearing the left side of rocks and putting a "center-piece" (well, left-piece here :p ) coral there? like a big nepht or colt. maybe a big toadie-sarco for a coral bommie.

i think that'd make the tank look even bigger. you've got a lot of vertical space and a decent amount of horizontal. i say aquascape it to your advantage.

what are you planning livestock-wise?
It's funny that you say that, I recieved a PM about an hour ago from a local reefer. Once my tank finishes cycling he has a colt coral that he wants to sell to me, which I happly excepted. We agreed on $40 (this is how much he originally payed for it). He is sending me a picture this weekend however he said it is about 14" tall ;) I had a couple piecies of rock that I moved to the sump because they took up a lot of vertical space.

As for livestock I want a couple leathers (colt, toadstool, cadella, etc) and fill in the voids with GSP, xenia, mushrooms, maybe some zoos too. I'd like to put a couple lps corals on the sandbed as well. If everything goes alright with QT I will also have an ocellaris clown and Blue Devil damsel. Something that really suprises me is how mean my clownfish can be. She absolutely does not tollerate other fish (besides her mate, RIP little man :( ). The damsel is a bit torn up being so confined in the QT with her. Sometime I'm going to pick up another clown and possibly a longnose hawkfish (shouldn't let the clown bully it but that is what I thought when I got the damsel!!!)

I have immortal coralline algae!!! Well maybe not, but whatever this stuff is it survived being soaked in freshwater, bleached, soaked in a viniger/water solution, and left out to dry for a day.



I also picked up a piece of fresh liverock to help seed what I have.
Hey if you could ever make it out to my house or a meeting I would give you all kinds of goodies. Like 3 different macros,frogspawn frag,hammer frag,kenya tree ,xenia, devils had frag, pavona cactus will do well in high nutrients, blue tip stag (will do just fine also in high nutrients),Maybe a loose mushroom if any are about.

Hmmm maybe someday :lol:

Well got the water tested today, everything was looking pretty bad. Ammonia was .5mg/l, nitrite was 1mg/l, and nitrate was 50ppm. Algae is starting to grow on the sand.

Kind of busy yesterday so I didn't get a fts in. I decided that this would be a good opportunity to try something new. I have always wanted to try my hand at sea grass, so I added a 50lbs bag of sand that I picked up at Homedepot. I tested it with viniger before adding it. What I find interesting is that it has pieces of black sand in with the white which leads me to believe that this was collected somewhere in the indo-pacific.

Diatom, diatoms everywhere!!! Well I expected this because of the cycle. Tomorrow I am going to add a gallon of Mineral Mud to help increase the trace elements available in the substrate, that and I like the black/white look ;)