2G dosing jugs for...wait for it...FREE!


New member
Yeah, you read right. I have two dosing jugs I made for Cal and Alk, free to the first to PM or Post. They work great and are each 2G. IV dripers are included.
Reason for giving away: My Ca reactor is working. That, and as a fellow poor reefer, I want to pay it forward.
I was waiting on him to lower his price.

I actually thought it might turn into one of those sociology experiments where you offer someone something for free and they won't take it; but if you charged them for it, they couldn't buy it fast enough.
Still though, these dosers are in great shape. I basically had them on for a month, then "got bored" and did myself one better.
Ocean Blue is having a good month. He also got my free Snowflake Eel. Hope you are enjoying it.

yea. 4 sure!! Your eel is doing good. I had him in my cube but he seemed like he was too crowded. My buddy Has a 200 gal and was glad to take him to a more spacious home.