2nd bad osmolator pump in 18months


New member

my second osmolator pump just went dead in less than 2 years. I did notice some corrosion in the connector, so I cleaned and directly connected the wiring. No change in function. It will only run if I push in on the bottom or bring it out of the water. The first pump only worked intermittently after 6 months??? Is this the expeceted lifespan on these pumps??? There shouldn't be any corrosion they are in a tub of 0-4 ppm ro/di water? I love your stream pumps and controller...have been awesome and very reliable, however, this osmolator has me losing faith. What should I do next??? I hate to go out of town and have a little cheap pump take out thousands of dollars in corals and return pumps.....

The osmolator pump will typically last about 2 years, most likely it is not the pump, but the controller. I would test the pump by connecting the pump directly to the power supply, one wire to the outside of the connector that plugs into the osmolator, one to the inside. It will likely spin up right away, in this way you bypass the controller and give it 11V DC directly. What is likely happening is the pump is drawing more power than the osmolators circuitry will allow, the wiring may be oxidized or the PTC which limits the current is damaged or weak. If you send it in with the pump, I will replace whatever is necessary to get the unit running.
Thank you for the quick reply....I will test it and see. If it is in fact the controller, I will send ASAP.
I retried the first pump that went bad and it still didn't work, the second worked with the direct connect that you instructed. so far it has worked for the last day....should I still send in the unit? I'm worried that it still has corrosion inside that is causing the problems.. let me know if I should send in and how much this will cost$$$$$ money is an issue.

If it is just some corrosion to the wire and terminal and the PTC and the unit is more than 2 years old it will cost $25 including return shipping. If it is less than 2 years old, I will fix you up for just the cost of shipping. If the board is corroded, this is more severe, but the maximum would be about $85.