3 different of polyps dying


New member
All my other corals are doing great besides my polyps. it started a week or so ago. One closed then a few days later the 2nd colony closed and now yesterday the 3rd closed up. Nitrates are not even registering with API test kit. I do however have a small amount of phosphates registering. Any ideas? Thank you!
All my other corals are doing great besides my polyps. it started a week or so ago. One closed then a few days later the 2nd colony closed and now yesterday the 3rd closed up. Nitrates are not even registering with API test kit. I do however have a small amount of phosphates registering. Any ideas? Thank you!

could be many reasons really but youll need to ad more info about your tank and a close up picture of the coral.

in the meantime look into possible lighting/water quality problems or pests....best i can do for you now.
How old is the tank? What are all your Chem Levels (salinity, Alk, CA, ect...)? What size tank? How many fish? Have you looked for pests? Answers to these questions will give us a little more to work with. Thanks

Happy Reefing
Thank you for your reply,
I have not tested for Alkalinity or Calcium in a few weeks. Last time I did it was within range. I use Ocean Blend's two part solution every other day. I have an auto top system to keep my salinity at 1024. Its a 65 gallon tank with a 15 gallon sump for my skimmer and a 20 gallon long refugium. Its been set up for about 6-7 months. I have 10 fish in it. All the fish look healthy and rest of the coral looks good. I use T5 lighting. Last night I used a flashlight while the lights were off to look for pests and saw none. When I get home I will test alk and cal and takea few photos.
Thank you for your reply,
I have not tested for Alkalinity or Calcium in a few weeks. Last time I did it was within range. I use Ocean Blend's two part solution every other day. I have an auto top system to keep my salinity at 1024. Its a 65 gallon tank with a 15 gallon sump for my skimmer and a 20 gallon long refugium. Its been set up for about 6-7 months. I have 10 fish in it. All the fish look healthy and rest of the coral looks good. I use T5 lighting. Last night I used a flashlight while the lights were off to look for pests and saw none. When I get home I will test alk and cal and takea few photos.

wha fish do you have??
5 clowns, mandarin, chevron tang, flame angel, lemon peel angel (seen him nip at corals when I first got him but not anymore) and a yellow tang
I would remove the angels.
They are probably nipping the polyps and that's why they're closed.
First thing to do.
